Application of physical and chemical processes to alter properties or appearence of a part or products.
Joining of partsto make assembled products.
Accomplished by a combination of machinery, tools, power and manual labor
almost always a sequence of operations.
proccessing operations and assembly operations
Shaping proccesses
Property enhancing
surface proccessing
Joining proccesses
Mechanical fastening
Solidification processes
particulate processing
Deformation processes
Material removal
Heat treatment
Cleaning and surface treating
Coating and deposition
permanent fastening
Number of uniits of a given part or product produced annually by the plant
Low-1 to 100 units
Medium-100 to 10000 units
High-10000 to million of units
Products differ greatly
few common components in an assembly
Small differences between products
Many common components in an assembly
project, jobbing, batch, mass and continuous process