external factors
methods based on measuring volume
statistical treatment of data
chemical of intrest
deals with seperation,identification,determination
method that measures voltage,current,and resistance
methods based on measuring mass
constiuents exist in a sample
how much constiuent exists
comparing between diffrent measurements ofvarying absolute magnitude
measurment compared to the size of the measurment
evalvate the interaction ofanalyte with electromagnetic radation
seperation of constituents due to interactions with two diffrent phases
amount of physical error in a measurment,expressed in the same units
impurties introduced into sample prep that may alter accuracy/precison results
sustance that is og chemical intrest in analytical procedure
diffrence between measure and true value
are the results correct
internal factors
amount of sample avalible for analysis
reproduce same measurements
measurment close to correct value
concentrations within the soloutions that will be measured by method rather then concentration
selecting a method requires assessing the analysisrequirments
species other than analyte increases or decreases the analytical result
transformation of an interfering species into a form that cannot be detected
refers to all componennts in a sample including analyte
portion of material carried out through procedure same time,same way