organise things by dividing them into groups
the groups scientists have made to organise living things
the system in which each organism is named after its genus, the first part of its name and its species the second part
the largest taxon at upper level
smallest taxon at the bottom level
the part of the fungus that is hidden underground
the visible organ of the fungus that has a function in reproduction
a unicellular fungus used to make beer, wine and bread
multicellular fungus that grows threads, for example the one that grows on old bread
part of the gymnosperms in which the seeds develop
the legs are divided into a series of parts
antennae shaped structures which function as sensory organs on the head of the animal
chanching in the life, with 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult
when animals have a life cycle that consists of three stages of development and skip the pupa
stage in which the animals look just like the adults do, but are smaller and wingless
also called spine or vertebraem discs of bone that form a long structure through the back of the animal