contract must be definitie in its terms else it will be regarded as an invitation to treat
unilateral contract only requires one side to fullfill the obligation then the other side is automatically entitled to whatever it is if requirements are met
advert will be likely to be an invitation to treat
response wasnt an offer just a reply to a request
effective communication is required for effective revocation
counter offer terminates the original offer
if there is no time limit then offer will remain open for a reasonable time in the future. lapse of time
silence cant be imposed as a form of valid acceptance
preferred accpetance method isnt a reqirement for a valid acceptance unless its a legal requirement
despite the contract not being signed by either party it was still valid acceptance through conduct
postal rule was excluded as he wanted "notice in writing" which meant he physically had to recieve the letter
electronic communication of acceptance is effective when it is recieved
becomes effective once its sitting in the email box and able to read
offer can be made through a machiene
acceptance takes place as soon as letter is posted
goods in a window shop are ITT not an offer
goods become an offer once placed on till
acceptance only valid once the buliding is open again e.g fax machiene
cant withdraw a unilateral offer once offerree has embarked upon performance