When muscles are put under tension
isometric and isotonic
when the muscles stay the same length.
wall sit and plank
when the muscles change length under tension.
eccentric and concentric
the muscle elongates and stretches. this is usually in the breaking and slowing down on the motion.
the muscle shortens under tension
phase 1: eccentric
phase 2: ammortisation
phase3: concentric
the muscle if stretched/elongated to preload the muscle and results in energy.
this stores elastic energy and stimulates the muscle spindles.
the time between the eccentric phase and the concentric phase of the contraction.
this is gained as a result of phases 1 and 2.
the stored elastic energy allows maxixmum force to exerted in the contraction/moevement.
the longer the eccentric phase the more powerful the concentric phase due to the increased storage of elastic energy.