Form of religion (especially islam or protestanism christianity) that upholds belief in the literal/strict reading of scripture.....
-S acred text
-A uthoritative personalities
-P atriarchal control
-U se of modern technology
threat of modernity to traditional values = increased fundamentalism...
agrees with davie that fundamentalism = reaction to globalisation. he suggests greater insecurity of.....
fundamentalism has risen due to increase in relfexive thinking....
fundamentalism is largely confined to monethesitc religion.....
there is a global divide in fundamentalism - christian fundamenatism reacts to social changes that arise organically.....
nation states no lobger significant source of identity creatng a gap that religion has filled...
1) jackson sees huntington's work as an e.g of orientalism.
2)casanova argues that huntingotn ignores divisions within civilisations
giddens description of fundamentalism as a defensive reaction to modernity ignores the fact that reinventing tradition is a modern reflexive activity