HR Weeks 7-10
Experiential learning is useful for learning and development in the workplace. The learning cycle
(Kolb 1974) consists of four stages that involve Having an Experience (Stage 1); Reviewing the
Experience (Stage 2); Concluding from the experience (Stage 3); Planning the next step (Stage 4).
The four learning styles (Honey and Mumford, 1992) that clearly link with these four stages of
the learning cycle are
Activist; Reflector; Theorist; Pragmatist
Which of the following according to Hook and Foot (2011) is NOT a reason why Learning and
Talent Development has gained popularity in recent years?
Emphasis has shifted to a series of top-down interventions that focus on mass training
The ‘Learning Organisation’ can be appropriately defined as?
An organisation which facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms
Which of the following is NOT one of the ways of evaluating training?
Management by Objectives
Employers can identify training needs for new employees by
Reviewing job descriptions
Reviewing performance standards
Interviewing current job holders
Who carries out training and development in organizations?
Internal HR staff or specialists T&D staff
External consultants hired to provide it in-house
Line managers
Honey and Mumford (1992) argue that experiential learning is useful for learning and
development in the workplace and draw on the earlier work of Kolb et al (1974) to illustrate their
approach through the learning cycle. This learning cycle consists of four stages that are:
Activist; Reflector; Theorist; Pragmatist
There are two equally suitable candidates in the final stages of the
recruitment process that you are running. One of the candidates belongs to a
group that is currently under represented in your workforce. You decide to make
the offer to them. What is this action called?
Positive Action
Which one of the following is a workplace discrimination?
There are nine protected characteristics in Equality Act 2010, which one of
the following is one of them?
One of the applicants has mentioned on an email that they have a disability
that will interfere with the assessment task that they will be doing as part of the
next stage of the recruitment process. As an employer what would you do to
make sure the applicant is not disadvantaged because of their disability?
Write back to the candidate to check what adjustment they will require
How can you monitor the diversity of your applicant pool?
By asking applicants to complete a voluntary equality and diversity monitoring form
An employee is not happy with the way their line manager has spoken to them in front of others in their team. The employee felt uncomfortable with the remarks that were made to them about their gender and have been feeling demotivated since. The employee wants to raise this with someone formally. What is the best course of action for the employee?
Raise a grievance
What is a valid reason to dismiss someone from employment?
Capability or performance
Which of the following is an automatically unfair reason to dismiss someone?
Acting as a trade union representative
What does the term ‘right to be accompanied’ mean?
A ‘reasonable request’ to be accompanied by fellow worker or trade union representative during formal dismissal or disciplinary procedures
What are the options available to an employee if they do not agree with the outcome of a disciplinary hearing?
appeal against the outcome by formally writing to the relevant person
An employee has just learnt that their role is at risk of redundancy, although no
decision has been made as yet. What is the next step that the employer must
Invite the employee to a consultation meeting to give them more information
and to take their suggestion on how to avoid the redundancy
What are the two types of redundancies?
Voluntary and involuntary
What is meant by alternative suitable employment?
Another role within the business that may be suitable for the employee and that will avoid the redundancy situation
What is typically paid to an employee when the redundancy is confirmed?
A redundancy package (including statutory payments)
Which of the following can work as an alternative to redundancy?
redeployment to another part of the business