English Language YR 1
Which type of noun is "budgie"?
Common noun
Which type of noun is "London"?
Proper noun
Which type of noun is "sadness"?
Abstract noun
Which type of noun is "team"?
Collective noun
Which type of noun is "teacher"?
Agent noun
Which type of modifier is "the pretty flower"?
Which type of modifier is "the budgie is noisy"?
Which type of adjective is "the long road"?
Attributive adjective
Which type of adjective is "the ugly road"?
Evaluative adjective
Give an example of an indefinite pronoun
What type of pronoun is "I"?
1st person singular
What type of pronoun is "You"? (Single)
2nd person singular
What type of pronoun is "He"?
3rd person singular
What type of pronoun is "we"?
1st person plural
What type of pronoun is "You"? (Plural)
2nd person plural
What type of pronoun is "They"?
3rd person plural
What type of pronoun is "My"?
1st person possessive
What type of pronoun is "Your"?
2nd person possessive
What type of pronoun is "His"?
3rd person possessive
What type of pronoun is "Myself"?
Reflexive pronoun
What type of pronoun is "Themselves"?
Reflexive pronoun
What type of verb is "to run"?
Infinitive verb
What type of verb is "I laughed"?
Dynamic verb
What type of verb is "I am"?
Stative verb
What type of verb is "(walk)ing"? (-ing!!!!)
Progressive verb
What type of verb is "I was walking"?
Auxillary verb
What type of verb is "I could visit you"?
Modal auxiliary verb
What type of word is "very"?
What type of adverb is "I snore noisily"?
Adverb of manner
What type of adverb is "I snore sometimes"?
Adverb of frequency
What type of adverb is "I snored yesterday"?
Adverb of time
What type of sentence is "I am cold"?
Declarative sentence
What type of sentence is "Are you cold?"?
Interrogative sentence
What type of sentence is "Come in out of the cold"?
Imperative sentence
What type of sentence is "It's freezing!"?
Exclamatory sentence
What type of sentence is "So suddenly"?
Minor sentence
What type of sentence is "It happened so suddenly"?
Simple sentence
What type of clause is this "Before I slept"?
Subordinate clause
What type of clause is "I was hungry"?
Independent clause
If I connect two independent clauses together, what would I use?
A conjunction
What type of sentence contains two independent clauses?
Compound sentence
If I added a subordinate clause to a simple/compound sentence, what would it turn into?
A complex sentence
What type of pronoun is "I pointed at this"?
Demonstrative pronoun
What type of pronoun is "A city that has many attractions"?
Relative pronoun
What type of pronoun is "Who said that?"?
Interrogative pronoun
What type of conjunction is "and"?
Coordinating conjunction
What type of conjunction is "although"?
Subordinating conjuction
What is the main word in a phrase?
Head word
What is used to describe the head word in a sentence?
Which type of phrase is "the beach nearby"?
Noun phrase
Which type of phrase is "I will see him"?
Verb phrase
What is syntactic parallelism?
Where multiple sentences include the same phrase: "He ate a cake, he ate a muffin, he ate a biscuit..."
What is synthetic personalisation?
A company is able to form a relationship with the reader as though a real person is there, this makes the reader feel reassured and comforted to buy the product
"The colour of it is red" What -nym is "colour"?
"The colour of it is red" What -nym is "red"?
"He was friendly, kind, yet she was rude" What -nym is "kind" and "friendly"?
"He was friendly, kind, yet she was rude" What -nym is "rude"?
What is a lexis?
The words used in a text or spoken data; the words, phrases, and idioms of language
What is semantics?
The meaning of language, such as a dictionary definition
What is a denotation?
A factual and objective meaning
What is a connotation?
A personal and subjective meaning
What is a euphamism?
A substitution of a polite expression for one thought to be blunt, harsh or offensive
What is a dysphemism?
When we use a harsh expression instead of a neutral one
What is grammar?
The way individual words are structured and arranged in sentences
What are word classes?
Conjunctions (connectives)
What are the 4 sentence types?
What are phonetics?
Sounds made by speakers
What is phonology?
The use of vocal elements to add extra force to what is being said
What are pragmatics?
The study of the meanings people are trying to communicate
What is discourse? (What is written)
The way different parts of a text are connected through either grammar of lexis
What is discourse? (What it does/means)
The way text creates identities for particular individuals, groups, or institutions
What is graphology?
The visual appearance of language
What is semiotics?
The study of how read signs
What is a register?
How language varies in a situation
What is a mode? (How is something presented)
Either spoken or written
What is multimodality?
Using more than one mode within a text
What is an idiolect
The language used by an individual
What is a sociolect?
The language associated with a particular group, possibly due to education, occupation and social class
What is a dialect?
This has its own distinctive vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
What is an accent?
The pronunciation of a language
What is a representation?
How language represents reality
What is the name of when someone raises their tone at the end of a question?
Emphatic stress
What is slang known as?
Colloquial language
What is convergence?
Convergence is where someone changes their ways of talking to be similar
What is divergence?
Divergence is where someone changes their ways of talking to be different
What does the CAT stand for and who developed it?
Howard Giles did, it stands for Communication and Accommodation Theory
What is the Communication and Accommodation Theory (CAT)?
Individuals change aspects of their own language when speaking to people who are different to them
Is this accidental or deliberate: Listening to other languages and making choices to alter your own to fit in
Is this accidental or deliberate: Learning a shared language subconsciously by working/living together
Give an example of a contraction
It's - It is
She's - She is
He's - He is
They're - They are
They'll - They will
She'll - She will
He'll - He will
It'll - It will
What is audience positioning?
Assumptions made in a text about the audience's background knowledge and understanding. This guides them into an interpretation
What study is Sociolinguistics?
The relationship between language and society
Is this a social or a linguistic variable: Two groups are identified as Middle Class and Working Class
Social variable
Is this a social or a linguistic variable: Differences in pronunciation and use of words/structures
Linguistic variable
What is Overt Prestige? (try to change)
Individuals try to change their speech like the higher social class
What is Covert Prestige? (don't change)
Certain groups that don't style-change to be like the higher social class
What is an example of Vernacular language?
African American English (AAE)
What are some examples of Taboo Terms?
Words and phrases involving body parts, bodily functions, and sexual acts
Swear/curse words
Language censored in public broadcasting
Why is vernacular language seen to be "sloppy"?
The absence of the verb "to be" and the auxiliary verb "is" aren't often included
What is irony known as?
What is Utterance?
A unit of spoken language
What is a transcript?
Speech written down afterwards
Is this a letter or number homophone: Don't B late!
Letter homophone
Is this a letter or number homophone: Don't be L8!
Number homophone
How would a child 'repair' his sentence?
By changing it halfway (mainly verbally)
Is this Backchanneling or Monitoring: I know, Okay, Yeah, Oh
Is this Backchanneling or Monitoring: Okay? Understand?
How is Mirroring similar to Convergence?
Mirroring uses another person's language, but Convergence is more extreme and long-term
What is an example of Clipping?
Yeah = Don't pronounce the 's' of 'Yes'
What is the difference between Written, Spoken and Blended Mode?
Written is using writing, Spoken is either planned or unplanned, and Blended is written with a 'spoken feel'
Cuestionario |
Poetry quotes, connotations and contextFor xmas |
Portuguese NumbersNumbers in Portuguese. |
RE Sowa's Xmas mockMarriage and the family, Living the christian life. |
Rogers |
Portuguese Days of the week questionsPortuguese Days of the Week and Hour/Minute |
NGEA31Summary of lecture slides |
Statuatory Interpretation |
TERM 1 - LAW |
SAA085För tentamen, |
Scienceughygyg |
Eng en flex jaar 1 |
Probability concepts |
mood disorders |
HHD: Health system |
Probability Distributions |
HHD: Action areas of Ottwa charta |
OCD & trauma-related disorders |
conversarionTest 02 |
professionaltest 01 |
HHD: Public health |
anxiety disorders |
classification of mental disorders |
People |
High Valyrian |
chapter 4 |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana , Mali 🇲🇱 , & Songhai Civilizations II |
Information Systems, research methods |
Freud |
chapter 3 |
Mang. & Org. |
Karate Terms |
vocabulary gamevocabulary game- go fish synonyms |
chapter 1 |
BIO Qs I missed |
OPTA 215 (Supporting Clients) |
Economie H2/3 begrippen |
Economie formules H2/3/6/9/10/11 |
500 단어words from "my first 500 korean words" book 1 |
Maths |
bacteria |
PATHOLOGY 1pathology 1
bronchite |
acidsacids |
lukas sahlin |
Ontwikkelingspsychologie |
Economie H9/10/11 begrippen |
fungi |
Organelles functions |
plants cell |
bio- Mrs H Gren |
Bio 105 Lecture 6 |
social studies |
Ions polyatomiques |
historu rubia |
HHD: undersumption, high intake, low intake of fruit and veg, dairy, fat, fibre |
micro |
Expressions je suis fatigué |
Personnalité |
♡ describing appearance |
Expressions communes |
feelings/symptoms |
Bio 111 Lecture 12 |
Measurements and Dimensions |
Adjectif |
Expression de ses impressions |
Questions |
Expression de sentiment |
Verbe |
♡ Marqueurs de temps |
kenneth fahlberg |
mikaela björklund fahlberg |
madonna |
science pt.1 |
Émotions |
INDG1. PE Basics 2 |
Science Cell Quiz Unit 1for science test |
BBP181 midterm prep |
tottenham hotspur |
kenneth fahlberg |
njurunda |
matfors |
schack |
fotboll |
Spanish |
verb rule |
Geneesmiddelkunde |
verb |
Spanish module 1 |
Grundläggande strålningsfysik & strålskyddInstuderingsfrågor och gamla tenta |
people |
Nurul idah TAYAMMUMNurul idah vocabs revision for 2nd year exams topic: TAYAMMUM |
nurul idah GHUSLvocab flashcards for 2nd year nurul idah exams for topic: GHUSL |
Computer studies - Algorithms |
Structure of a bacterial cell |
Prokaryotic cells and viruses |
HHD: Alcohol, smoking, sugar, low iron, BMI, impact on Burden of disease and health status |
HHD: Health Status Indicators |
JLPT N2 (1)il faut mettre la traduction et la lecture du mot (côte à côte, sans ponctuation) |
Tenta Essä Begrepp |
ApproachesPsychology revision |
Cell ultrastructure |
FöreläsningarSlay |
duits examenidioomh1 en h2 |
music |
Ak H2 § 1 t/m 4. Basis boeknummers, begrippen, aantekeningen. 2 Havo/Vwo |
Nepali-English Translation |
HHD: 5 Dimensions of Healh and wellbeing |
HHD: Health and wellbeing |
fransfranse woorden |
branden |
Types of Clouds |
Clouds |
AP LANG RC practicePractice Tanya doing at home |
New WordsQuiz me on the definitions for the following words: loathe, reprimand, lackluster, caustic, wrest, infamous, jostle, dupe, incipient, inadvertent, ominous, tremulous, repudiate, cessation, bristle, eu... |
The study of the properties of matter and the changes it undergoes.
An agent that burns or destroys living tissue.
Homogenous Mixture
A mixture in which particles are uniform... |
the roaring 20's |
PrecipitationPrecipitation |
french flash cards |
Vocabulario |
psycology midterm 3 |
the great depression 1930s |
Theory Comm Exam 2 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 - k |
glosor |
spanska 4 tidsuttryck dåtid |
ash |
Geography |
art |
löpande redovisning |
Kindermishandeling |
ento. |
anatomy lecture 3 exam |
VäderHögtryck, lågtryck, nederbördstyper, m.m. |
BBP182 midterm prep |
gs woordjesha |
No - Prov - Kroppen💕💕💐 |
Finansiell analys 2.0 |
health |
Tree ident - latin to english |
Espagnol Vocabulario : El Flamenco |
définitions droit |
Unit 2 - Lisa Walker |
Meningit |
Straffrätt JPG 014 |
Infektiösa tarmsjukdomar Endokardit |
Medicine through time |
PE: Nutrion |
PE: Strategies to Improve Performance and Recovery |
Homework Week 43 |
??? |
PE: Chronic adaptations to training |
PE: Training principles and training methods |
PE: Fitness components |
PE: Acute responses |
PE: Energy systems |
PE: levers |
PE: Qualitative movement |
PE: Direct or constraint based coaching |
PE: Feedback for skill development |
PE: Learning stages movement skills |
PE: Characteristics of skills and stages of learning |
Mod 7 Regulating Gene Expression |
Mod 6 Protein Synthesis |
Vocabulary #6This Vocabulary quiz consist of 10 words |
Factors Affecting the Business Environment |
lecon 4AFrench 9 |
225 |
PE: biomechanicsbiomechanics test |
OPTA 204 (sleep) |
Physics |
French |
OPTA 222 (Cerebral Palsy) |
OPTA 222 (Tourette Syndrome) |
1510 MIDTERM |
OPTA 222 (ADHD) |
demografi |
PSY113 midterm prep |
laagland module 3 |
driving test |
mode 2 week 2 |
Astronomy |
Physics P2a revision - copy x |
Läkemedel Cellväggssynteshämmare |
Business Test#2 |
biology |
Populuma |
latijns 3.Alatijn 3.A |
Neuroscience and control |
Persuasieve Communicatie |
greyhoundraise your knowledge on history and training of a greyhound |
Celler & vävnaderceller & vävnader |
Läkemedel Pneumeni - ProteinsynteshämmareMakrolider och tetracykliner |
Blodet & immunförsvaretblodet |
1MC615 - SEPSIS & UVI |
variables and tests. |
photosnthesis. |
georiv |
knoppar |
Mod 5 Molecular basis of Inheritance |
Animal/Plant cell anatomy (flashcards)KILL ME PLEASEEE (It's 12:33AM) |
Different body systems (flashcards)AHHHHHH I hate quizzessssss (also made at 12:26AM) |
Cell ---> Organism (flashcard)Science test flashcards I might at literal 12:20AM the day before the test. |
science |
irregular verb conjugations |
fractions, decimals and percents |
Universum NO |
Cybersecurity Final Exam |
scisci test |
Kemet Civilization |
Soci Test 2 |
Science testScience test soon need to sturdy. |
Africanna Studies: Ancient Christian ✝️ Nubia |
Biology 102 Exam 2 |
Africanna Studies: Medieval Ghana 🇬🇭, Mali , & Songhai Civilizations I |
l'approche phénoménologiqur |
month , day in a week |
numbers 0-100 |
style academy |
chapter 7 - 1480 |
1MC615- INFEKTIONSSJUKDOMAR - INFEKTION & PNEUMONIVi lever tillsammans med mikroorganismer som inte ska hamna på fel ställe. |
Kemiprov |
Homework porter |
GeografiPrivate |
bio |
SOC Term 1 |
Naturvetenskap |
PE-Psychological and social principles(paper 2)-Classification Continuums(3.2.1) |
Amount of substance (Chapter 2) (CHEMISTRY) |
Spanish unidad 3 |
Ritningsläsning |
Literature - Poems |
hsk3 |
Chemistry: Group 2 |
Biologi ekologi |
Japanese Words - Animals |
begrippen 2 |
Japanese Words - Body |
history of the britons |
Physics (Unit 3 + 4) |
Physics |
Chem: Chapter 6 |
Bio 105 Lecture 5 |
Chem: Chapter 5 |
Government |
French 4 |
ene |
physics unit review |
jillian |
periodic table |
jillian |
bio |
African American History: Reconstruction |
African American History: American Civil War Era II |
African American History: Colonial Slavery I |
religion |
FCS360 midterm 1 |
Biology - Staying Alive |
Bio 142 exam 2 part 1/5 - cop |
chemistry |
Africanna Studies: Post 25th Dynasty |
marketing chapter 1-7midterm |
silk road and trade expansion |
social ch.02 |
cancer prostateHBP et cancer de la prostate |
GRE Words |
dérivées des fonctions élémentaires |
règles de dérivation |
les ajectifs (2) |
m&m h1 |
World englishes |
Marchant de Venise Act 5 |
macbeth |
Marchant de Venise Act 4 |
Marchant de Venise Act 3 |
Marchant de Venise Act 2 |
History of museums midtermMidterm |
Marchant de venise Act 1 |
Spanish Unidad 2 |
oog |
Svenska säkerhetslägetQuiz |
Byggnadsmaterial_1 |
basmatte |
Demokrati/Diktatur |
Spanish Unidad 1 |
OrtopedoOrtos - rak + paideia - barn = konsten att göra raka barn |