Anansi maintains communication and covenant with the Sky God , Nyankopon ( a/k/a Nyami ) . Its folktale alludes to Nyankonsem in all transliteration. This lexicon embodies the "...words of the Sky God ..." It encompasses the Anthologized folklore capturing the victimization of Anansi by avarice , vanity , , imbecility , and impudence . Given the foundational myth , Anansi invented his own transformative stories , "...the Patron Saint of storytelling..." Anansi in a representational form and dimension of a spider interweaves a fine web of Linguistics akin to Griot . It captures both the pulchritude and horror of human existence. ( Dr. Henry Louis Gates and Maria Tartar's coedited Annotated African American Folktales )
Nyankopon : the Anansi's Deity
"...Woe to him who would put his trust in Anansi _ a sly selfish and greedy fellow..." West African Proverbs
Anansi : Preamble of African Folklore
The Griot tradition of storytelling began with Anansi , a figure of both Humans and animal character . "... A creature who weaves webs of beautiful complexity and tells stories about the tangled webs we weave . .." Anansi illuminates to us the classic elements of necromancy , magic , thaumaturgy, enchantments , spiritualism , and "... lived sensation and experience..."
Anansi Genesis of Oral Tradition
In Akan African Folklore , this Deity cultivates its tolerance of Anansi impertinence and mien of bad deportment. Nyame Sky God has the vested and omnipotent power to mediate the humans and the divine While Anansi musters every concerted effort at brokerage of a deal with Nyame .
Nyame Sky God
A Trickster God who is revered for being known as the Divine Linguist and a Polyglot in the Akan Ashanti Folktales.
Legba of the Fon people in Benin
A Multiple Trickster Gods embellishing the revelatory love and amour for discordance , ambiguity , conflict , and dissension. "...Sowing dissension is my great delights..."
Eshu of Yoruba : African Fable of Anansi
An Anthologized Corpus and splendid collection of Anansi African Folktales that traced back to the Ghana Ashanti people in Western Africa. Raconteurs relayed beautifully interwoven lores . Fabulists share Apologue anent Anansi with such adroitness . Etymologically speaking, Mansi emanates from THIS Akan lexicon __?__ meaning Spider . It is also spelt as Ananse . Anansi's representational identity is a metamorphic and transformative being of both Man and spider .