A succession of Pharaohs beginning with Pianhki were entombed in this ingenious Charnel compartment or Sepulcher . Lexically , it is a Stone Coffin . The Latin Etymology , ' Lapis Sarcophagus ' , denotes as a "...kind of stone with caustic properties used for coffins ⚰️ ..." The functionality of various synonyms includes Bier , casket , and pall . Sarcophagi is the plural form . What do you call this Burial Mortuary?
The Ancient Egyptian drew upon this utilitarian apparatus in crop cultivars management and land irrigation. It hoisted the water filled buckets .
The Judge of the Islamic Court in the Muslim ☪️ governed countries .
The Islamic liturgy involves 5 pillars of Faith as duly incumbent on all devout believers . Among them are Shahada , Zakat , Salat , Ramadan , and __?__ . The latter is a pilgrimage to Mecca , the Holy City .
An invocation prayer in the Islamic tradition. Islam ☪️
A detentive accommodation for the enslaved or captured Africans .
Pertaining to or written in simplified form of the Ancient Egyptian Hieratic writing ; commonly used as __?__ idiom . This lexical term has its etymological origin to Ancient Greek , ' demotikos ' meaning of people , common , and ordinary ; of the cursive Egyptian Scripts .
A mountain or mound ; a colossal , large mound of earth or liths ( stones ) over the remnant corpse ; Tumulous ; Cairn
A small heap of lithes ( stones ) marking as a guidepost or place as in "...A __?__ of loose stones ..."
A quantitative heap of wood attached together for burning the dead body . It is synonymous with cairn , barrow , mound and Pyramid ; also , a combustible heap for burning the corpse as a funerary ritual and tradition . Etymologically speaking , the Latin derivative is " pyra " and Greek is " pyr " . Both translate as incendiary fire .
The Ancient Egyptian tangible object is a representational symbolism and emblem of Life . Characteristically , it is shaped as a cross ✝️ with a Loop and a verical arm . Its votive offering contains the demotic cartouche .
A Monumental Stone or xyloid and ligneous slab in the Ancient World. It bore the inscription of text and carved relief ( bas reliefs ) . Stela is the dimensional plurality .
A Statue reflecting the enigmatic person of mystique. An Ancient African and Egyptian imagery and sculptural representation of a recumbent Lion having a Human head , a ram's head , or a Hawk's head . In Greek Mythology , a winged female Monster has a woman's head and NO Lion corporeal form . It slaughters its prey for not answering the riddle correctly .
A Religious institution or Temple as devoted to the Syncretic Greco-Egyptian Deity : ' Serapis ' . This combines Osiris with Apis that is formally accepted . The Ptolemaic Greeks of Alexandria.
In Egyptian Hieroglyphics , it is an oval structure with a line at one end that is tangent to the oval . Its pair of brackets bore the Royal names . This term has association with both the Late 3rd Dynasty and the 4th Dynasty Pharaoh Sneferu of the Old Kingdom. In Egyptian Linguistics , it is decribed as a Shenu as commonly written in Demotic Script .
Its denotation is a forced and coercive payments by the defeated ruler or vanquished nation to the victorious nation. The tributary action acknowledged concession and submission .