neuroticism (emotional stability vs instability)
theories that view the personality with a focus on potentila for healthy personal growth
Maslow's pyramid of human needs, beginning with physiological needs
Symbolization: universal and personal symbols
Consistency: stability of behaviour overtime and across situations
Distinctiveness: behaviour differences among people reacting to the same situation
personality is not only determined by traits but also by factors
-personality is determined by an interaction of internal personal factors
(cognition, traits, beliefs), environmental factors and our actual behavior.
one of the ultimate pschological needs that arises after physical and psychological needs are met and self esteem is acheived
the striving for identity meaning and purpose beyond the self
caring, accepting, non-judgemental attitude to increase self awarness and self acceptance
thoughts and feelings about oneself
answers the question "who am i"
statistical procedure that idenitifies factors of test items that tap basic components of a trait
questionnaire on which people respond to items designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviours
personality test that identifies emotional disorders and for many other screening processes
a test created by selecting from a pool of items those that discrimnate between groups
looks for genuine personality traits that persist overtime
held that people are basically good are endowed with self actualizing tendencies unless thrown off by social enviornments