-high unemployment for working class
-low pay for workers
-poor working conditions and living conditions for imigrant workers in winnipeg
-tensions bewteen immigrants and wealthier citizens
-no collective bargaining
when workers group together to fight for betternworking conditions
when employers bargain with employee representatives for better working conditions
-the two sides of the strike in winnipeg clashed
-there were protests
-strike leaders were arrested
-police were brought in
-1 man killed, 30 injured, lots arrested
-caused the general strike committee to prder workers back to work and to end strike
-a massive strike by workers in winnipeg in 1919
-a revolutionary communist group in sooviet union who encourage unions and strikes
-the fear that with all the strikes and unions that communism would spread to canada , influenced by the bolsheviks
-a union organized to to unite all canadian workers in one union
-wanted workers to gain control of jobs, wages, working conditions through peaceful means -meaning strikes especially general strikes
building and metal trades
-a group of business men and politicians who wanted the strike to end
-afraid of communism and felt the strikes were tied to the bolsheviks
-had strike leaders arrested
-bitterness between employers and employees
-some strikers lost their jobs or couldnt find a job
-criminal code made strikes illegal
-some leaders got into politics and made changes
-strikers lost a lot of money
-royal commission found that the strikers claims were legitimate
43 days