Horizontal axis in a chart, usually containing the name of date categories
To hide part of an object by using the cropping tool or to delete a part of a picture
The box formed by the intersection of a tabel row and tabel column
In a chart the axis that contains numerical values
a graphical representation of numerical data from a worksheet
a digital photograph, piece of line art, or other graphic that is created in another program and it inserted into powerpoint
A single sheet within a worksheet file; also the entire area within an electronic spreadsheet that contains a grid of columns and rows
an object that is created in one application and inserted to another
A folder that you can and others can open, modify, and review presentation slides
A drawing object that contains text formatted with special shapes, patterns, and orientation
Text label- A basic rectangular box that contains text.
No-fill text box: A transparent text box without a background color.
column- track values over time or across categories
line-Data that's arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a line chart. pie- Data that's arranged in one column or row on a worksheet can be plotted in a pie chart.
Bar Chart- Data that's arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a bar chart. Scatter charts- show the relationship among numeric values in several data series, or plot two groups of numbers as one series of XY coordinates
stock chart - is a price chart of a specific stock, plotted over a time frame. surface char-t is useful when you want to find optimum combinations between two sets of data, and compare it with a third data set.
bubble chart- data that is arranged in columns on a worksheet can be plotted, so that X values are sourced from the first column.
A basic radar chart displays changes in values, relative to a center point
A new presentation
Data markers
Slide library
apply picture compression
embedded object