Computer Science
Give 4 primitive data types
What are tuples
An ordered set of values, which are immutable (elements in the tuple can't change)
What do records usually represent
What's the difference between a static and dynamic data structure
- Static structures cannot change size
- Dynamic structure can grow and shrink in size
What is an abstract data type
A logical description of how we view data and possible operations, we're only concerned about what the data represents & not how it's constructed
What is a Queue
An abstract data type that holds an ordered, linear sequence of items
Give features of a queue
- It is a first in first out structure
- The first element to be added to the queue is the first to be removed
-New elements are added to the rear of the queue
- When an element is removed the rest of the elements don't take up the empty space
- To keep the order of the queue you need need to mantain a pointer at the back & front of queue to indicate the back & front of queue
Give examples of real life Queues
-Queue to a till
-Download/Updating queue
-Printer queue
Give the functions and methods of queues
enQueue - Add an item to the rear
deQueue - Removes and returns an item from the front
isEmpty - Indicates if the queue is empty
IsFull - Indicates if the queue is full
What does a scheduler manage
- What process to execute next
- The length of the time the next process can execute for
Give 3 things scheduling aim to do
- Providing an acceptable response time to users
- To maximize the time the CPU is usefully engaged
- To ensure fairness on a multi-user system
- Ensures hardware resources are kept as busy as possible
What is round robin
Where each job is given a time slice within which it runs. Once the job has used it's time slice, it's give another slice until it's completed
Give advantages and disadvantages of round robin
Advantages - Jobs are eventally attended to
Disadvantages - Longer jobs take long to be completed
- It doesn't take job priority/urgency into account
What does SRT do
Serves jobs with the least time needing to be completed first
Give advantages and disadvatages of SRT
Advantages - Throughput is increased as shorter processes can be quickly completed
Disadvantages - Doesn't take job priority or urgency into account
What does shortest job first do
Orders job with based on their time required to be completed
What is pre-emptive scheduling
Scheduling that prioritizes the highest priority process, which is the process thats currently utilised
What is Non pre-emptive scheduling
WHen a processor enters the state of running, the state of the process isn't deleted until it finishes its service time
Define a stack
An abstract data type that holds an ordered linear sequence of items
Give features of a stack
- It's a Last in First out structure
- To implenent a stack you need to maintain a pointer to the top of the stack(Last to be added)
Give the methods and functions of a stack
Push - adds data to the top of the stack
Pop - Removes an element from the top of the stack
Peek - returns a copy of the element on the top of the stack without removing it
IsEmpty - Checks if the stack is empty
IsFull - Checks if a stack is at max capacity when stored in a static structure
What is overflow and underflow
Overflow attempts to push onto a full stack
Underflow attempts to pop an empty stack
What happens when a stack is implemented using a dynamic structure
The computer may give a stackover flow error when it runs out of memory
Define 'Starvation'
Large processes can remain at the back of the queue forever
How does a multi-feedback queue work?
Uses priority levels. If a job uses too much CPU time it is moved to a lower priority queue
Quiz |
UE7-Paléoanthropologie: aux origines de l'Humanité |
Franska prepositioner |
4.1 (Frans naar Nederlands)Als ik spelfouten heb gemaakt, laat maar weten.
p.s. je hoeft er niet bij te zetten of woorden mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn als er les, of l' staat. :) |
Computer Science1.4.1 |
Cell Biology 25 (Manual flashcards) |
Cell Biology 25 |
Computer Science1.1.2 |
Philo |
Apah africa people-artworks |
temptations |
missouri laws |
B1 |
A321-200 |
Katakana Combination QuizKatakana combinations sounds to practise |
anouk |
4 kirja |
french |
science review A |
W&S |
Socio |
Les vêtement Par Sylvia Duckworth |
marketing |
Vocab |
Cognition 2 |
Quiz - système lymphatique et immunitaire |
Quiz au sujet du sang et le coeur |
EXPH exam 2 |
Elliot Sokoloski |
espagnol |
bb |
Ali |
Nk |
gabby |
history in gaza |
history conflict in gaza |
komparerade adjektiv |
Chapter 12- The Heart |
adjektiv B |
adjektiv A |
Chapter 4 health science |
deklination 4 |
grupp 15 nominativ singular till genitiv singular |
deklination 3 grupp 15 |
deklination 3 grupp 9 |
deklination 3 grupp 8 |
deklination 3 grupp 7 |
deklination 3 grupp 4 |
deklination 3 grupp 3 |
deklination 3 grupp 1 |
fortsättning deklaration 2 |
deklination 2 |
Macbeth quotes |
deklination 1 |
chapter 4+5 |
Biologie lab 2 |
Othello's character |
Desdemona / Othello |
Psychology Midterm |
Biologie Lab 1 |
Allotropes of CarbonAllotropes are different structural forms of the same element in 5he same physical stats. |
Unit 2 Animal Diversity |
unit d - macromolecules |
Test 1 |
révision France: une nouv place dans le monde |
jannelle monae - turntables |
fluently |
provflflf |
M.T. |
Test your knowledge |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) - type answer |
Molecules with Hydrogen (Memorize) |
Au XVe et XVle siècle, les européens organisent plusieurs expéditions pour explo |
Knowledge Test NJ - Advanced |
Anthro Quiz |
Lab Equipment |
Gut Brain Axis |
Digestive System |
glossary 2 |
Spanish M2- travel |
history 6 |
David |
En la ciudad |
mmpm |
it mangaement 4-6 |
Computational and Systems Neuroscience |
actors |
german 18 |
A330-300 - copy |
Dugga |
Unit 6 del 2 |
Rullmat Lus6 |
90 Day words |
Spanish |
m2 |
Unit 6 del 1 |
Spaans: beroepen |
Psykologi |
Rullmat Lus5 |
RullMat Lus4 |
RullMat Lus3 |
The returned (french show) |
RullMat Lus1 |
RullMat Lus2 |
Aller |
sat words |
exercise |
WC Hinduism test |
Week 5- Skin Care 2: Electric & HF |
First Aid - copy |
The Founding Father'sGovernment |
Pentecostalism in the USReligion |
United States GovernorsGovernors |
Week 4- Skin Care 2: Contagious Disorders, other disorders, Auto-immune Disorder |
Wk 5 Skin Penetration |
United States of America Road SystemsRoads |
Railroad HistoryRailroad |
Maryland Judicial SystemMaryland |
Maryand GeographyMaryland |
Maryland Zoning LawsZoning |
Wk 3 Comedones, Disincrustation, Extractions |
United States city populationState Government |
State LegislaturesState |
13th Amendment casesLaw |
Cases that Challenge US ConstitutionLaw |
Employment LawEmployment Law |
blodet |
Church LawLaw |
CitizenshipCitizenship |
Week 3- Skin Care 2: intro to skin conditions |
Constitutional AmendmentsUnited States Constitution |
Local Government Typesnone |
State Constitutionsnone |
State Courtsstate |
gas fundementals |
United States Federal CourtsCourts |
United States Federal JudiciaryCourts |
UESCA Running Coach Certification - copyUESCA Running Coach Certification - copy |
Periodic Table |
physique |
Inmuno |
in Vivo and ex Vivo Imaging Techniques |
sociologi |
Bookie's Nutrition Quiz |
Révision histoire guerre froide |
panspermia em português |
Abiogenese em portugues |
Macro Economie |
sociologi som vetenskap |
شريعة اسلامية |
Äbiogenesy |
Biologie |
Genetik |
Environmental Science |
First Aid - copy |
Dangerous Goods - copy |
Narkotika och psykisk ohälsa |
Science Lab Safety symbols |
First Aid |
go fishing |
Superhumans |
Romarriket, Antiken |
german 17 |
Titles and Authors 2024 |
Théorie de l'apprentissage examen mi-session |
Koine Greek Ch. 24 Subjunctive Mood |
Koine Greek Ch. 23 Perfect & Pluperfect Tenses |
politique |
Art |
Glosor |
EnglishStudy |
Tina 🤪what is the ionzation energy ? |
Chemistry |
Hebrew Actions |
Japanese (Restaurant Reponse Cards)Japanese phrases for restaurant interactions |
12th night |
frans1 h3 |
FAR Inventory |
Radioactivity |
pnf3 - kopia |
Weimar and Nazi Germany History |
pnf3 |
VolcanoClassification of volcanoes, volcanoes style of eruption, types of volcanoes eruptions, classification of volcanoes, PHIVOLCS |
VolcanoesEruptions of volcanoes, the philippines is located along the ring of fire, classification of volcanoes |
😭 |
Sammansatta joner |
kemi syror och baser |
hff |
sj judet onsdag |
CHAPTER 2: ALFRED ADLER: Individual Psychology |
10-42 sWs |
IR french verbs |
ER french |
buss |
vocabulary |
Hebrew |
Modalities |
History (20th Century) |
pedagogia |
introduction |
2.2 |
History (1800s) |
RullMat DIZEL |
Literary Terms A |
2.1 |
1.1 |
catabolismo |
metabolismo y catabolismo |
metabolismo y catabolismo |
UE7- intro à l'histoire de la médecine |
instuderingsfrågorinstuderingsfrågor |
Upper Extremity |
Matematiktentamenplugg till tentamen, HB |
Essential |
history 5 |
History (The Renaissance) |
History (Medieval Period) |
espagnolo facil n°2 |
Fortnite |
nytt mag o tarm test 3 |
english |
enlish |
socials exam pt 2 |
LNG2002 |
"Patricia va a California" Chapters 1-6 Vocab |
British in North Americastudy |
Dinner |
Lunch |
Breakfast - Classic |
video lecture Q's |
Cells Quiz Qs (part 1) |
355 Midterm 1Exam on Februrary 21, 2024 |
questionto know |
KNSS 307 physical growth maturation and aging |
rasproblem |
Biologi åk.8biologi |
ledo prov 3 |
Unit 1 Cancer |
HS Quiz #2 |
Kirvie |
religious studies midtermmidterm |
linux |
Organic Synthesis HT - copy |
kut ak twee dagen van tevoren 😊 - copy |
Antiken, Grekland |
B |
social |
1.2 - 1.39e |