a computer-based technology and method for collecting, analysing, managing, modelling, and presenting geographic data for a wide range of users.
HARDWARE computer, screen, mouse
SOFTWARE program where you can enter) capture the data, edit it and put it into map format
GEOGRAPHIC DATA information that can be analysed
PERSONNEL people that operate the computer, enter the info and analyse the data
METHOD a way the data will be stored on the computer
this data ase coordinates to give an exact location of a feature
eg) buildings, dams, house
this descriptive data that gives the characteristics of a specific feature
eg) road name, height and length
a point at a particular location
ie) school, building, tree
a series/line at a particular location
ie) river, road, hiking trail
a big area at a particular location
ie) dam, recreation area
send radiation out and then measures the radiation that the Earth sends back eg) ocean currents
measures the energy that is radiated from Earth eg) temp.
collection of data by a recording device that is not in direct contact with the area
ie) satellite, drone, aerial photographs, aircrafts