It is a detailed analysis and evaluation of a work of art. a. Critic b.critique c.criticize d.comment
It is a component of art critiquing which is about your personal evaluation based on your understanding of the artwork. a. Interpretation b. description c. analysis d. judgement
Which of the following should be discussed in the description stage/component of an art critique? a. Linesandshapes b. harmonyandbalance c. patterns and variations d. symbolisms
It is the component of an art critique that discusses how the artwork uses the principles of design a. description b. interpretation c. analysis d. judgment
It seeks to explain the meaning of the work based on what you have learned about the piece. a. description b. interpretation c. analysis d. judgment
In the analysis stage/component of an art critiquing,the use of the principles of design should be discussed. Which principle of design talks about the visual weight of the elements? a. Harmony b. balance c. rhythm d. pattern
Which of the following would one be likely ltowrite in the analysis stage of an art critiquing? a. “This is a beautiful painting.” b. “The man in the painting has big muscles and long hair.” c. “The painting is quite imbalanced. The elements on the right seem to overpower the ones on the left.” d. “I think this painting is about advocating for women’s rights.”
Whichofthestatementsbelowisanexampleofjudgement? a. “Thelinesusedaremostlycurved.” b. “Thefocalpointofthismuralisthepinkorchidontheleft.Theother elements in the painting create a visual direction and bring the focus on the subject.” c. “I think the artist is successful in presenting his message through this piece.” d. “Thisartworkcreatesagloomyatmosphere.”
Whatkindofquestioncanhelpyouwriteaninterpretation? a. Arethelinesstraightorcurved? b. Doestheworkusecontrastintermscolorsandtextures? c. Would you consider the work as beautiful? d. Doyouthinkthisartworkhasinnatevalue?
Which of the following is not a component of an art critique? a. Description b. interpretation c. appraisal d. judgement