capitalism vs communism
churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
was held to disscus the groups planned invasion
November 1943
USA and Britain would invade France by 1944
USSR would join the war against Japan ince the Nazis were defeated
Febuary 1945
Churchhill, Rossevelt, Stalin
To decide on a post war settlemet and what to do with Germany once defeated
Germany and Berlin to be dived into four.
countries free from Nazi control have the right to vote.
Stalin offered a sphere of influnce
United Nations agreed to be set up
july 1945
started with: Churchill, Rossevelt and stalin
ended with: Atlee, Truman and Stalin
to finalise everything agreed at yalta
Truman suceeded Roosevelt.
Truman was less likely to accept Stalin and go along with his wants. This caused tension between the two allies as Truman did not hide his hatred for communism
the atomic bomb.
Stalin already new details about the atomic bomb through his spy networks, but felt there shouldnt be any secrets between allies
despite agreeing at Yalta that free elections be held in preciusoly nazi occupied countires. Stalin showed no evidence of this actually happening
August 1945