The top of a column
an open air covered walkway supported by columns
a capital of a column in the form of a spiral scroll
make them big and fancy
a strip of marble, below the pediment that can either be continuous or split into metopes dependent on the order of the temple. This area can be filled with sculpture or left blank. There are two types, Doric and Ionic
a square space on a Doric Frieze, between triglyphs. This area can be filled with sculpture or left blank.
a tablet, with three vertical grooves that splits a Doric Frieze into metopes
a triangular space just below the cornice at either end of a Greek temple and at the front of a Roman temple. Could be decorated with sculpture or left blank
Ionic, Doric and Corinthian
Volutes for capitals, continuous frieze, no metopes and fancier bases to coloumns
sculpted capitals
simple capitals and the frieze is split into metopes