1 or more polypeptide chains that form a catalytic active site
Molecules that bind to an active site that is complimentary shape to it and undergo a chemical reaction
Food digestion + Blood Clottingt and blood pressure control+ Immune systme+ Cell processes +Drug breakdown
Where you go from a smaller reactant to form a larger product
Where you go from a larger reactants to a smaller products
Where there some reactants form the same amount of products
Most enzymes usuallt end in -ase and named based on the reaction they catalyse of their product/substrate
Enzyjmes have specific enzyme commission numbers that is amde up from Class, Subclass, Sub-class and Serial Number
Oxidoreductase that tranfer electrons as H- or H+
Transferase that tranmfer chemical groups from one place to another
Hydrolases They break down bonds with water in a hydrolysis reaction
Lysases in reactions with double bonds
Isomerases used for the transfer of groups within a molecule to form isomers
Ligases that used in the formation of bonds with energy from ATP
Process have to happen quick in order to match the pace of life
2H2O2 --> 2H2O+O2
This needs to happen quickly due to H2O2 is toxic and damges DNA in our cells, usally takes 41 years for this reaxtion to happen and with enzyme take 1 second
We have a set body temperature and neutral pH in our body
Means thayt we can thave extreme conditons to speed up reactions so need enzymes to increase rate of reaction
The speed of 1 reaction = The Rate constant K
Number of reactions that take place
Do this by lowering the activation energy so then greater molecules have the activation energy so greater number of sucessful collison so a greater rate of reaction
How many times faster a reaction is with an enzyme compared to without the enzyme, can be used to then compare enzymes and rank them based on how good they are at increasing the rate of reaction
They are not used in the reaction
They are very specific due to unique shape of the active site so no side reactions
100% yield
They are controlable so can tunr on/off molecule production when its needed or not needed
It is controlled by the 3D arrangement of amino acids
It contains binding and catalytic residues and is the source of substrate and reaction specificity
Usaully not all the substrate enter the active site but only small chemical group of the substrate
Only specific substrate have the complimentary shape to the active site so some wont enter the active site
Some may enter but then not bind to the active site
The substrate has to be a complimentary shape and with the binding affinity to bind with active site
The active site will change shape once the substrate has entered and then it will enclose around the substrate
Satrt off bigger to allow substrate to enter then change shape to match substrate and then reaction can take place
3D arrangement of the residues and the chemical properties of them
May need the catalytoc triad whcih is only 3 amino acids that perfom catalysis need to be in a specific place
Metal co-factors
Co-enzymes which are organic molecules that provide or remove groups from the reaction
Can be hydrogen shuttles during REDOX
Prosthetic groups may also be their
The characterisation of the rates and steps of catalysis done by the enzyme
The start point is measuring the change in cocnentration of product over time after adding the enzyme, this can be measured by a spectrophotometer that measure the absorbance change
The rate of the forward and backward reaction are the same so get an overall rate of 0 due to no change in product concentration even with the enzyme working
The reaction Velocity
The enzyme activity
The specific activity which is used for protein purity
This depends on rate constants and concentrations, and due to being a reversible reaction both the forward and backward reaction have own rate constant (K)
So at equilibrium the: K of Substrate to product x [S] = K of product to substrate x [P]
The enzyme will provide an alternative route from substate to product at a lower activation energy, so then greater rate of reaction so the equilibrium reached sooner.
V= Vmax x [S] / Km + [S]
Vmax= The max rate when all enzymes are binded in enzymes substrate complex
Km= Conc of subsrate that gives the half maximum rate and at which all the enzymes are in an enzyme substrate complex
At the start enzymes are unsaturated so are spare and so bind to substratesa
At the end the enzymes are fuly saturated so no more enzyme binding to substrate so a lower rate of reaction
E+S <--> ES<--> E + P
It is a 2 step process due to the binding stage first then the catalysing stage second that have different V equation s
Binding= V = Kfrw x [S] and have to work out the Kd = E x S / ES
Catalysing = V = Kcat x [ES]
ES is a constant concentration
S is greater than E so S is a constant as well
Km = K binding backwards + Kcatalysing /Kbinding forward
Is a curved shape that plateu so can be hard to find values on the graph
It turns the Micheales menten curve to a straight line by taking the reciprocals of the mentn curve values whihc is 1 over them, and the gradient then allows you to find the Kmax and Vmax if you have one or the other
Can use y intercept = 1/Vmax and X intercept = 1/Kmax
Always low due to stauration of [S] is unusual
Except in ethanol where have the enzyme but due to volume of ehtnaol drunk then enzymes get saturdated so are drunk
Usuallty high in cells and the [S] often close to the Km
Different substances have differing Km
Important for methanol poisoning due to methanol converted to formaeldehyde by binding to alcohol dehydrogenase but have a higher Km so treatemnt if force feed ethanol that have 10x lower Km so the enzyme bind to the ethanol not the methanol so its not broken down
Turnover number - Kcat = catalytic rate constant
Enzyme efficiency
Enzyme Potency
This is due to as temp increases from 0 the enzyme activity increases until the optiumum point where it then will denature and activity falls
After the optimum the temperature causes hydrogen bonds and disulphide bonds to break in the active site
Different enzymes work best at different pH and have a short range either side where then higher than the range the enzyme will denature and lower than the range the active site changes charge
Due to a directly proportional the rate to the enzyme concentration
Some enzymes need modifying before they work= digestive enzymes
Controlled by cleavage of of peptide chains on zymogen that block its active site
Enzymes may need other enzymes to become active
Can make an enzyme inactive by phosphorylation of the enzyme or remove phosphates to become active by Kinases
The reversible binding or unbinding of molecules to specific sites to increase or decrease activity
This is a special type of K type regulation
Where the sustrate binding to one site will increas the binding affinity in another site
This means the [Substrate] directly regulates the enzyme activity
This happnes in multi sub unit enzymes and has a different curved graph
Have a special binding site for a non substrate molecule and they have a low affinity till another molecule bind to the non-active site leading to then greater affinity enzyme affinity = Allosteric activator
Can get Allosteric inhibitors that lower the enzyme affinity
Cause a permanent covalent enzyme alteration due to the active site breaks bond in the inhibitor so then they bond together so then substrate unable to bind
Have to resynthesize the enzyme to allow it to work
Have a similar shape to subsrate so complimentary shape to the active site
Bind to active site and block the substrate fro, bindng so no enzyme activity
Keep Vmax the same and increase Km
They bind on the enzyme but not the active site, they prevent the enzyme reaction to take place but the enzyme still bind to the subtrate at the active site
Lower Vmax and keep Km the same
They bind to the enzyme substrate complex and increase Vmax but keep Km the same
Reaction = A + B <--> C+D
Enzyme A + B --> AB --> CD --> C+D
This can be random or orderded
A + B <--> C + D
Enzyme + A --> EA --> EC --> Enzyme --> EB --> ED --> Enzyme + D
Where covalent bonds are formed to the enzyme during the process
Enzyme is modified after A to C so then can turn B to D
Position the reactant correct of interaction
Distort the reactants to make them less stable
Stabalise the transition state and make reactant want to react
Change environment to favour reaction
Covalent catalysis- Enzyme react with substrate
Acid/Base Catalysis - active site donate or accept a H+ to get more acidic or basic
Metal ion catalysis- Mix of non covalenent binding and covalent interaction lower the overall eactivation energy
When peptide bonds are cleaved by hydrolysis under condtions whihc are 6m HCL for 24 hrs due to peptide bonds are very stable
There are 18,000 serine proteases in 40 familes and 12 clans
This is due to gene duplication and divergence to make
Chymotrypsin, Trypsin, Elastase, Thrombin
They have different substrates but do the same peptide bond hydrolysis
Chymotrypsin cleave large hydrophobic, Trypisn cleave Lysene and Arginene,Elasatse cleave Small neutral amino acids and Trombin cleave ARG-GLY
Due to all have different active sites
S1= There is nucleophillic attack on the polypetide carbonly
S2= Formation of intermediate tetrahedral structure that is covalent
S3= Cleavage and the loss of the C-terminal fragment of the polypeptide chain due to an acyl-enzyme
S4= Nucleophillic attack on the Carbonly by water due to H removed from water to make OH- nucleophile
S5= Another tetrahderal intermediate formed with the addition of water
S6= Cleavage and loss of the N-terminus fragment of the polypeptide and enzyme is fully regenerated
Act as a stabilsier during tetrahedral covalent intermediate formation
Due to the O can form covalent bond with active site on the NH of the amino acid to stabilise it