the word from one's mather's name
figuratively enflames an audience,
sets them afire, gets them excited, galvanizes them into action, etc.
to set on fire, adj incendiary, N incense
substance that sends off a pleasant odor when burned—
often, but not necessarily, to mask unpleasant or telltale smells, as of marijuana
smoke, etc.
to anger greatly, i.e., to “burn up.
“I’m incensed
burning with zeal, ambition, love, etc., as an ardent suitor,
worker, etc.
the noun form of ardent—burning passion, zeal, enthusiasm, etc.
Alternate noun: ardency (AHR′-dƏn-see).
to burn
yo make sound greater
the mother city
city, state
the origin word for the uniformed group guarding the city or state
art of governing the city and state
one who has an obsession for
stealing books.
an irresistible compulsion to steal women
an irresistible compulsion to steal children
an irresistible compulsion to steal males
an irresistible compulsion to steal people
someone who has an obsession to reach the highest place
some one who has an obsession to be in the market place
some one who has an obsession to be in confined place
one who has a morbid dread of thieves
one who has a morbid dread of fire
one who has a morbid dread of women
one who has a morbid dread of males
one who has a morbid dread of people
the morbid dread of the number 13, from
Greek triskai, three, deka, ten, and phobia
the science or study of knowledge
love (Latin amor) God (Latin deus)
love (Greek philos) God
(Greek theos)
love (German Lieb) God (German Gott)
cellulose made to be transparent, i.e., to show what’s wrapped in it
—low blood sugar, a common ailment today, (Greek hypos, under; glykys, sweet;
haima, blood)
excessive blood flow
no blood”—actually a pathological reduction of red blood corpuscles
science of blood (and its diseases)
—“love of blood”—actually a hereditary condition, occurring in males,
in which the blood clots too slowly.
“blood gobules”—actually the red colouring matter of the red blood corpuscle
the opposite of hypoglycemia
a temple built in Rome in 27 B.C. for “all the gods.”
the dwelling place of all the demons; now any
wild and noisy disorder
—a view (or a picture of such a view)
all around—pan, all, plus horama, view. The adjective: panoramic (pan′-Ə-RAM′-ik).
rule by one person
metritis (nfeksi uterus setelah persalinan yang merupa- kan salah satu penyebab terbesar kematian ibu)
incendiary, pembakaran
ardent (bersemgangat)
deity, (dewa)
cellophane (kertas kaca)
hipoglikemia (adalah kondisi ketika kadar gula dalam darah berada di bawah normal)
hemorrhage (pendarahan)