complete DNA nucelotide sequence for 1 protein/trait
phenotype expression resulting from atleast one dominant allele
equal phenotype expression of 2 different and distinct dominant alleles for a single trait in an organism
Breeding tool to identify full genotype of a dominant phenotype individual (genotype AA or Aa) by breeding with a homozygous recessive mate (aa) and observing offspring phenotype for a recessive individual.
Punnett square tool predicting offspring geno/phenotypes for 2 genes
Genes / alleles which statistically tend to stay together and not become randomly separated during crossing over in meiosis; often observed as significant mismatch between predicted and actual phenotype ratios in a population.
Homozygous allele combination(s) resulting in early termination of life; often identified through missing or unobserved phenotype group(s) from a population.
Visual tool showing genetic relationships in a population; used to reveal inheritance pattern of traits.