ways in which govs monitor regulate and promote h&wb & health status
not much known about hygeine, litter in streets, rubbish attracting rats, poor working condtions and housing.
Diaerra, whooping cough
risk of infection, high infant mortality rates and u5m and low LE
Practice: Gov funded water, sewage system, sanitation
Policy: Quantine laws Fed gov make QL to stop arrival and spread of infectious diseases from overseas
Practice: Improved working condtions
Policy: Better housing
The BMH focuses on physcial/biological aspects of disease & illness. Use tech to diagnose & cure disease, provided by docs. Aim: Return person to pre illness state
Extend LE
Funding improves tech and research
Not every condtion can be treated
Needs professinal health workers so its costly
in the 70s life style diseases were around leading to death. So gov thought people would change behaviour if exposed to info on physcial and sociocultral in new public envronment
Improvments in health can be acheived by using physical/sociocultral politcal environments of health to make an impact on a person or group
Responsibity for h&wb is shared
education of h&wb can be passed gen to gen
health promotion messages can be ignored
not every illness can be treated
Empowers people and commiunuty from health education
enable access to healthcare