assesses the percentage of burn and is used
to help guide treatment decisions including fluid resuscitation and becomes part of the guidelines to determine transfer to a burn unit. You can estimate the body surface area on an adult that has been burned by using multiples of 9
(first degree) - sunburn
a. epidermis
(second degree) - blistering
a. Superficial partial (superficial dermis)
b. Deep partial (deep dermis)
(third degree) - black/dead tissue
a. Subcutaneous tissue
b. Muscle, tendon, bone (sometimes referred to as 4th degree)
Rehab for positioning; helping with edema and ROM
Rehab for scar management and wound care
Rehab for psychosocial issues, Cosmesis (cosmedics – ex: wigs, prosthesis, clothing), Preventing scarring and disfigurement, Return of function (working on ROM to prevent contractures)
- Prevent edema
- Prevent contractures
- Maintain ROM
- promote proper wound healing
- relieve pressure
- protect new skin grafts
-Intravenous Hydration
-Escharotomy( removal of dead tissue)
-Wound Care
-Skin Grafting
- Autograft - take skin from self vs donor
- Synthetic coverings are an option.
- They mesh skin to make it larger to expand donor skin to cover a larger area and
to allow for fluid drainage
What do you think medical management would have to be post skin graft?
- wound care - edema management
- overall health - immunosupressng drugs of donor skin
-Contractures are shortening of tendons, ligaments, muscles, soft tissue, blood vessels and nerves. Can be permanent.
-A significant function of the rehab team is to prevent contractures. Contractures develop during healing because: Wound is in a flexed position,Contraction is part of the normal wound healing process
-How do you prevent contractures? Positioning and ROM
Hypertrophic scarring is a raised collagenous bundle like scar that is often discolored
-Scars can continue to mature for 1-2 years
-Pigment can be different, scars can be raised etc.
-For hypertrophic scarring: Massage and pressure garments can assist in decreasing visibility of scar
Collagen in the skin is shaped like a grid, but when damaged, heals like a squiggly, messy grid. Pressure garments apply pressure for a long period of time to help re-organize the collagen to arrange more neatly and more like normal.
-Answering questions regarding their injuries
-How to respond to staring
-How to respond when people ask what happened