Arranging words, clauses or sentences in order of increasing importance, weight or emphasis.
- Several parts/sentences are developed and phrased similarly
- shows ideas are equal in importance
- adds balance, rhythm, and clarity
A question that is asked but not given an answer because the answer is already implied or the answer is obvious.
One or more questions that have been asked but not answered.
A whole sentence inserted in between another one using brackets, dashes or commas.
Comparing two unlike things using like or as
Describes something by saying its something else.
Giving an animal or an inatimate object human atributes
two words that contridict one another
Recurrence of the initial consonant
Words which their pronounciation suggests their meaning.
Non-offensive way of saying something
Words that say one thing but mean another
breif stor detailing interesting episodes and events referring to incident in persons live
Specific or literal meaning of a word
Words suggesting a different association than its literal meaning
Appeals to senses by creating a vivd impression
Play on words with same sound but different meaning