The CPU, also known as the Central Processing Unit, acts as the "brain" of the computer, processing all instructions as binary code.
The CPU follows the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle, where it fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and then executes them.
The CPU processes instructions in binary code by interpreting them as a series of on/off signals.
The CPU performs arithmetic, logical, and input/output operations.
The CPU is directly connected to RAM (Random Access Memory), where it accesses data and instructions for processing.
The Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle is the process by which the CPU retrieves instructions from memory, decodes them, and then executes them.
The Program Counter (PC) sends the address to be checked to the Memory Address Register (MAR).
MAR sends the address to RAM.
RAM sends the data at the address to the Memory Data Register (MDR).
MDR sends the data to the Current Instruction Register (CIR) for decoding.
The decoded instructions are passed to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), where operations are performed.
ALU may give further instructions, and the process repeats.
Processor speed is measured by the number of Fetch-Decode-Execute cycles per second, with higher speeds indicating faster processing capabilities.
The Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle involves the Program Counter (PC), Memory Address Register (MAR), Random Access Memory (RAM), Memory Data Register (MDR), Current Instruction Register (CIR), Control Unit (CU), and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
The number of processor cores is equal to the number of ALUs, as each core typically contains its own ALU for processing instructions simultaneously.