it is an alternative way of estimating causal effects that can be used if the regressors are endogenous (when exog. assun. is not satisfied)
omiyted importabt variabelse
measurement error when we have to use a proxy
is equilibrium conditions that determine jointly regressor and our outcome variable
B1^ = côv(Y,d1) / vâr(d1)
E[Y| x1 = 1] - E[Y| x1 = 0]
E[x1| x1 = 1] - E[x1| x1 = 1]
this is the average outcome difference between two groups dicided by an input difference between two groups
to get the treatment effect, B1^
B1^IV = Ê[Y| red] - Ê[Y| blue]
Ê[x1| red] - Ê[x1| blue]
so this is still the output difference divided by the input difference, for each of the two groups
(this is the example where the input difference is smaller in between the values 0-1 on the x-axis) there are blue and red observations for when x1 is either 1 or 0
the regular
Y = B0 + B1X1 + u
the instrument variable which in this case is a dummy
we caclulate in the same way as before with outcome dicideed by input different får grouo red and blue
1) E[u|z] the instrument cannot be used to predict u. called intrument exogeneity assumption
2) intrument relevance assumtion
E[x1| z=1] ≠ E[x1| z=0]
om dom skulle vara lika can vi inte drive an input difference och dörmed inte heller få ett värde för B1^IV för att vi divide med 0
x1 är more kids
som i sin tur drivs av z som anger om barnen har samma kön eller inte. om de inte har samma kön, ör det mer sannolikt stt dom förösker få fler barn.
samesex is random (z) så vi can kot predict u with z. intrunent exo. assum. is fulfilled
if z = 1, we are more likely to have x1=1
if z=0 så är vi more likely att ha x1=0
this satisfies the intrument relevance assumption since we would have different averages of x1 depending on which value z has.
so by other words:
if 1) and 2) assunptions are satisfied, we can sort observations into 2 groups. if we compare the twi groups we can reveal the ceteris paribus causal effect
cov(x1,z) ≠ 0 vilket betyder att de ha correlation
we develop a general IV estimator that does nor require a binary instrument (dummy)
create a new variable dist that is a continous intrument, that gives the distance in km to the nearest college.
it affect behavioural changes and impacts the choice of college. intriment relevancs ok sonce we now have created dist, which will give digferent averages of x1 for different values if z, so E[x1| z=1] ≠ E[x1| z=0] holds.
intrument exogen. assum. also holds since we cant use z to predicg u. the value of z changes the expected value of college (endogenous variable). we cannot see how to use dist to learn about ability and therefore not u.
there is cov(z,u) = 0
so E[u|z] = 0
cov(u,z) = 0 exogeneity
cov(x1,z) ≠ 0 relevance
all we need is that the insturment correlates with the variable of interest for the instument IV calculation to work
1. lös ut u ur the structural equation
2. plug u into cov(z,u) = 0 (exog.ass)
3. bryt ut så mycket det går och förenkla
4. solve for B1. we need to stgue for the relevance assumption here.
5. apply method ofmoments vilket är ^(hattar)
B1^ = côv(z,Y) / côv(z,x1)
slope coeficient when regressing Y on z1 (reduced form)
slope coefficient when regressing x1 on z1 (first stage)
(so it is the outcome diff divided by the input diff)
delta^ / feta^ (0^)