The brain's emotional thermostat regulates long term memory, emotions, and Hypothalamus control
"Grand Central station" of memory. It encodes info in long or short-term memory.
Concerned with expression and regulation of emotions, motivation, fear response (fight or flight), and stress response.
"Port authority" for all sensory info except smell. It takes the info and directs it to the correct part of your brain along with being the consciousness.
controls hunger, thirst, sleep, sexual emotions, and body emotions.
Critical thinking, personality traits/behaviour, attention/focus
Muscle movement, making plans and judgment, some speech, and sense of smell.
Receives sensory input for touch and position, recognition and perception of stimuli, writing involved, and sensory processing.
Having vision, color perception, visual memory, and reading.
Hearing, long-term memory, language processing, and identity.
Carries left and right information to each other. Along with fibers connecting the left and right hemisphere
Coordinate muscle movement, balance/posture, and nonverbal learning.
Controls cardiac and respiratory systems, and movement and senses to body with signals.