Static (at rest), flowing (fluid is moving)
Uniform (fluid doesn't change with distance), Varied/non-uniform (fluid changes with distance)
Steady (fluid doesn't change with time), Unsteady (fluid changes with time)
Linear & Rotational
Pipe flow, Open Channel / Free Surface flow
Laminar (fluid moves smoothly on predictable paths), Turbulent (fluid moves randomly)
Subcritical (liquids) or subsonic (gases): fluid velocity is lower than information celerity & Supercritical (liquids) or supersonic (gases): fluid velocity higher than information celerity
Fr = v / (gl)^1/2
Re = pVL/u
Nv = 1 / NL
Nv = (NL)^1/2
1 mbar = 100Pa
1 bar = 100,000 Pa
1 Pa = 0.001 kPa
dA = 2 pi r dr
v = Q / A
velocity: ∂u/∂x > 0 & velocity: ∂v/∂y < 0
mass is conserved due to the volume: v shrinks or stretches to ensure equilibrium (shown by equations) where density = constant
γ = gamma
v = 1 / density
s, where it is relative to density
P / rho = Rs T
where Rs = gas constant (8.31) and T = absolute Temp
P abs = 101.3kpa
- dp = Ev dv/v
where Ev = bulk modulus and dp = change in Pressure
Pabs = Pgauge + Patm
where Pabs can = 0 & Pgauage can be (-)
Fx = F1x1 + F2x2
& F = PA
V = L/T & A = L/T^2
A = L^2 & V = L^3
Density = ML^-3 & Viscosity = M/LT
Energy = ML^2/T^2
HGL = P/rho g + Z
- in the flow
- starts from EGL
- always at free surface
EGL = total head (horizontal line) = above datum
- finding H = head
- things can equal 0 depending on question
- Patm = Pg = 0
- add on CL
- Q = VA
A1v1 = A2v2
- d can be used instead
- Geometric (L)
- Fluid Analysis: rho or density
- External factors / kinetic (F or velocity or g or a)
pi1 = Φ (pi2, pi3, pi4...)
pi1 = a * bi * cj * dk
- solve for pi's
- use same middle of table
- start at 0 then a = what dimensions
- M T L order
- sub in x and y values
a local = ∂u/∂t
a local = sqrt of i^2 + j^2
if a = 0 and no t == steady
∫ each term and sub in values
- equal to 0 to find +C term
It is used to measure pipe friction losses for tublent flow.
where hs = fLV^2/2gD
Re < 2000 = laminar flow
Re > 4000 = turbulent flow
- P/rhog = pressure head
- v^2/2g = velocity head
- z = elevation
States that the rate of heat added to a system plus the rate of work done on the system is equal to the time rate of change of the total energy within a system.
EGL = v^2/2g
HGL = P/rho g
- Assume uniform pressure distribution in spaces filled with gas
- In a continuous static fluid, pressure is the same even at different elevations in the same fluid
- Use (P = Po + rho g h) to find pressures at different elevations in the same fluid
Pressure absolute = Pressure gauage + Pressure atmospheric
Pa, where 1 Pa = 1 N/m^2
1 bar = 100kPa
always positive, and when P atmospheric is 101.325kPa, then it is defined as an absolute Pressure
Gauge Pressure
Shear stress in a fluid is proportional to rate of change of velocity.
formula: tao = (viscosity coefficient)du/dy
outflow - inflow, where m = rho V A = rho Q
- Occurs at lower Re, smoother pipe walls
- σ >> e where(σ = the height between e and the laminar boundary)
- Turbulence does not interact with wall
- Shielded by laminar sub-layer
- Roughness has no impact
This is the bottom curved line in the flow graph
- Turbulence interacts with pipe wall
- Not full interaction
- σ same order size as e
- Effect increases with increasing Re
- Interaction starts earlier for rougher pipes
- Most real pipe flow in this zone
Summary: pipe roughness starts to stick through laminar sub layer => influences flow => larger re => pushes laminar sub layer down further => bigger interaction with pipe roughness
- Full turbulence interaction with pipe wall
- no laminar sub layer
- σ ~ 0
- Very high Re
- f not a function of Re
This is represented in the left side of the flow graph, from the left of the dashed "R" line
- Lowest pressure occuras at pump suction end (where water enters the pump)
- Vapour bubbles move with water to high pressure zones of pump
- Vapour bubbles implode causing localised pressure spikes
- Over time pump material gets worn away
- Noise
- Uneven operation
- Reduced efficiency
- Internal damage to pump = expensive
- NPSH (Net positive suction head)
- always given in absolute pressure
At local disturbances such as;
- Entrances
- Exits
- Joints
- Bends
- Changes in diameter
(also known as minor/secondary losses)
The discharge coefficient becomes useful when comparing the Venturi Meter to a very similar device called an Orifice Meter. This is a lowcost alternative to the Venturi Meter, in which the constriction is achieved by inserting a plate with a hole in its centre. The sudden expansion downstream of the plate creates significant turbulence and energy losses.
• Most turbulent headloss takes place at pipe wall
• Influenced by the laminar sub-layer
- Flow near wall slowed down by friction
- Causes laminar flow next to wall
- Shields turbulence from pipe wall