Part of the White Revolution. High school students that passed entrace to Tehran University had military service postponed and sent to small villages to educated people and teach them to read.
Shi'ite Supreme Jurist. Replace the 12 iman til he comes. Transfers all political and religious authority to the Shia clergy and makes all of the state's key decisions subject by a supreme clerical leader which provides guardianship over the nation.
Book by Jalal al Ahman that said Iran had become intoxicated with Western culture and Shah relied on it too much. Country has to go back to its orgin and Islamic roots by giving up western culture. Term that embodied that American way of life was a strong threat to the coherence of important societal traditions of Islamic States. Islamic governments feared the Western influence and wanted to keep American culture censored from Islam to keep their own government structures
Crisis that began in 1979 after the deposed Shah of Iran was allowed into the United States following the Iranian Revolution. Iranian students broke into the US embassy in the Teheran and took 66 Americans hostage. Lasted 444 days, gave clerics change to prevent ties with the US, forced out liberals and leftist
Appointed to be first Prime Minister of the Iran Republic by Khomeini that led Revolutionary Council. Very religious and had democratic and liberal values which Khomeini would conflict with, such as opposition to the Iranian constitution. One of the Iranian liberals who wasn't silenced. Emphasized a unity of religion and politics. Prominent member of the Shi'ite clergy in Tehran.
Extreme opponents of the Pahlavi regime. Muslim Mojahadin (students) and Marxist Mojahedin (workers)
Political agent of Islamic Republic in Lebanon and Syria. Iran's Shi'ite proxy that focuses on Israeli attacks
Member of the National Front who was Shah's last apointee as Prime Minister for the Phalavi's regime and tried to create a smooth transition. Only served for 37 days and escaped to France during the Revolution
Iranian intelligence service under the Shah that had partnership with Mossad. Iraniam National Security and Intelligece under the Shah, Shah feared communism
Iraniam immigrant to Israel who was Israel's first official diplimat to Iran in 1958.
Political movement in Iran after the 2009 presidential election when the Green Pary's candidate lost after the election was rigged; many people died; moderates founded by Khatami to make Iran more democratic. Protestors demaned the removal of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from office
Official publication of Irania Jewish community that was censored for a year and a half after the editory put out an article calling out Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial
The Allies conference of 1922 to divide the lands of the defeated Ottomans. The British was given Mandate of Palestine and divided it into two communities: Zioist Jews and Palestinian Muslims in one and then Christian Arabs in another. Determined the mandate borders of Israel and its surrounding countries (Palestine, Jordan)
Iranian diplomat in Paris who helped saved 1500-2000 Polish children fleeing the Holocaust by giving them Iranian Passports.
Mandated that Palestine would be divided into a Jewish and Musli state with Jerusalem under international control. Agreed in 1949 and created by Un in 1947. Divide Palestine in two Jewish and Arab states
Political faction in Iran today; accept Supreme Leader conditionally, demanded freedom for the elite, are a well - organized / financially supported from abroad, and have support / access to western media. Strive for modernization of Islamic Republic and want to expand relations with the West. Same to Green movement; believes in moderation of Islamic Republic
Persian New Year during Spring Equionox
Jewish Iranian Journalist and writer who moved to Los Angeles; translated French Literature into Persion; editory of magazine
Poet that wrote lots of Jewish prayers into poetry. Secular poetry with sonnets, satires, lyrics, and religious ones
UN Security Council's five permanent members: China, France, Russia, UK, and US: plus Germany. Negotiated Iran nuclear deal together
Biblical Epics: Musanemh, Ardashirnameh, Erzanameh, Bereshitnameh, Panegyric works
International Jewish organization that gave hope and resources to Jews around the world; gave education to Jews
Political Recognition of another government at the consulate level of Israel, which was granted in 1949
1962, Shah's attempt to quiet the people from rebelling for economic and political reform: abolish feudalism, sale of government owned factories, nationalization of forests, literacy corps, women's right to vote, profit sharing with workers
Jewish Divorce document that men gives the wife
Simantov Melamed's book in prose and verse. Covers mystical and sociologocial issues.
Musican / composer during the Pahlavi era who died in SF after the Revolution; played tar. Recorded all different scales of Persian Music, 300 audio cassettes worth of recordings.
Jews that stook with the revolutionaries and held a demonstration for Khomeini in 1979. Led by Harouni Eshariani; now in Iran
Traditional table-setting for Nowruz
First Prime Minister of Israel. Primary national founder of the State of Israel. Accepted the Palestinian Mandate
International Atomic Energy Agency: responsible for monitoring global nuclear activites and promoting peaceful use of nuclear energy
Leader of the National Front Party; served as Prime Minister and then tried to overthrow the Pahlavi's throne, but failed. Recalled Iranian representative to Israel. Nationalized Oil
First president of Iran after the Revolution in 1979. Moderate intellectual who is now against Khomeini; Islamic but not clergy. Was impeached after going against Khomeini
Iranian revolutionary and sociologist who focused on the sociology of religion; very anti-West; spoke at universities. Ideals of Islamic-Marxism which heavily influenced during the Revoltion of 1979. Claimed that society shouldn't just wait for the return of the 12 iman but should work to better social justice
Persian-Jewish Scienties and researcher that discovered link between diabetes HbA1C
Former president of Iran from 2013-2021. Moderate, called the Holocaust a tragedy in the UN
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Helped those fleeing Iran after the Revolution by taking them to Vienna and getting a visa to go elsewhere. Got assistance for a couple of year. American organization
Philanthropist, industrialist, head of the Jewish community in Tehran who was accused of spying for Israel, promoting economic imperialism, waging war against God. Was one of the first two private citizens to die by firing squad in the Revolution
Political Part in Iran, who opposed the monarchy and favored greater Iranian control over natural resources. Outlawed after Operation Ajax. Led by Mossadegh
University that gets Islamicized into a home for Shia military education. Religious volunteers who fought for Islamic Revolution; a loosely organized military that is formally part of the Revolutionary guard. Gained international attention in the aftermath of the disputed presidential election of 2009. When opposition candiated accused the Basij of brutality as it contained the demonstrations; "mass mobilization" in Persian, and it dates back to the Iran-Iraq War
White lie Khomeini admitted to using to decieve Iranians
Judeo - Persian Letter that is the earliest record of New Persian writing dating to 737 - 750 CE. Discovered in Turkestan. One of the first sources of Judeo-Persian writing and New Persian
Accept the function of Islamic Republic. Oppose negotiations with West, Israel, Saudis. Support Hamas
Dynasty taken down by the Islamic Revolution. Mohammad Reza Shah was the last ruler
President of Iran from 2005 to 2013. Potentially rigged his election in 2009 leading to the Green Revolution. Denied the Holocaust, supported nuclearization, opposed Israel, anti-Semitic, opponent of Khamenei