he proposed that there are three personality dimensions
extrovert-introvert. neurotic-stable. psychoticism-normality
he said the criminal persoanlity is e,n and p
he said these personality traits are innate and due to our nervous system. e- have an underactive ns. n-ns is usually triggered by threats p-mostly linked to men meaning high levels of testerone
w- the theory is oversimplified as moffi distinguishes between poeple who offend when young and people who offend as a lifetime. She found that personality traits are poor predictions. Reductionism
w- criminality may be innate due to the nervous sytem you inherit which leads to legal implications
Kohlberg suggested that moral reasoning is in stages and some individuals did not pass a certain level
1-pre-convential morality
2- convential morality
3-post convential morality
he tested a group of violent youths using the Heinz dilemma. he found that they had a lower level of moral reasoning compared to a control group. Also hollin suggested that criminals are likely to have only reached the pre-convential level.
s- hollin and palmer asses level of moral reasoning on offenders compered to non offenders. they were aged between 13-22. Male offenders showed poor moral of reasoning out of 10/11 questions.
w- it could depend on the crime as thoornton found that those who had committed a fininacially rewarding crime are likely to be in pre-convential level