Situations where you have to make a choice between your own self-interest or the collective interest of a group
- Key concept in environmental psychology
- Dilema is whether you act in the interest of yourself of the group
Avoid tragedy of commons:
Increase cost of self-interested option
- Laws/punishment (over fisining in the fisning example)
Increase reward for acting for common good
- Cash rewards
- tax benefits
- other rewards (HOV lane for green cars)
A marketing technique that seeks to change attitudes and behaviors by making social norms explicit
Example: "70% of yout peers take shorter showers to conserve water"
A persuasion technique that seeks to change behavior by providing people with personalized information about themselves as well as their peers
- "you consume 80% more water than your neighbors"
- Makes people want to shift theit behavior to fit in
Coercion - main reason people confess
- Forced to change behavior or beliefs against your will
- Brainwashing technique:
- Create feeling of entrapment
- Introduce new beliefs
Multi-step process of eliciting a confession
- Create feelings of entrapment
- Convincing them you're their friend
- Interrogation process
- Relies on coercion to elicit a false confession
- Banned in Canada, used in America
The study of the psychological and behavioral dimension of sports performance
Breaking sport performance down into subparts so that key elements can be identified and taught
Performance in which physical, mental and emotionl states are harmonious and optimal
Acheiving peak performance:
- Supportive reinforcement
- Self regulation