The study of how people act in social situations
groups you personally identify with
A group of person does not identify with
expectations for how people who holds certain positions in a group have to behave
widely excepted standard of conduct for appropriate behaviour
The process of thinking about ourselves and other people in a social context
The process of evaluating our abilities, achievements in attitude by comparing yourself to other people
comparing yourself with a person who ranks lower than you on some dimension
The process of comparing yourself with a person who ranks higher than you want some dimension
The act of assigning a caused to someone's behaviour
explaining a persons behavior, as being a product of their personality
explaining a persons behaviour as being the product of their situation
The tendency to attribute the behaviour of others to dispositional causes without regard for situational influences
The tendency to make dispositional attribution for the behaviour of others and situational attributions for our own behaviour
positive outcome for self
Explained in terms of dispositional factors
Negative outcomes for self
Explained in terms of situational factors
placing obstacles in the way of your success, to protect your self-esteem from possible future failure
how do we convince ourselves that we are good?
Dissonance occurs when we hold to cognitions that are psychologically inconsistent
Dissonant, thoughts, cause psychological discomfort
change behaviour
Change the cognition
Add consonant thoughts
Change the importance of the dissonant thought
The tendency to perform better in the presence of other people
when a person exerts less effort, knowing that their individual performance will be hidden in the group product
when we change our behaviours or opinions to be in agreement with other people
bending to the request of another person who has little or no authority over them
A person who complies with a small request, is more likely to comply with a larger demand later
you get a person committed to an act, then once they are committed, make the terms less desirable
people are most likely to comply with a moderate request after their first refussed, a must larger request
when you comply with the request of someone in a position of authority
forced to change, believes her behaviours against your will
summarizes how you feel about something
groups that we use as a point of comparison to form our own attitudes
any delivered attempt to change an attitude through information and arguments
we are attracted to people who are familiar
we prefer people who are similar to us
we prefer people we find physically attractive
we prefer people who reciprocate liking
intimacy and passion
intimacy and commitment
intimacy, passion, and commitment
when more people witness a crime, the less likely someone is to help
feeling less responsible because other people are able to help
assuming that nothing is wrong because no one else looks concerned
A negative attitude toward a group of people
oversimplified beliefs about certain groups
unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on their characteristics
consciously endorse negative attitudes based on group memberships
expression of prejudice, through the support of ideas or policies
Measure of generic positive or negative implicit feelings
prejudice is the result of displaced, aggression and places, aggression onto groups that are dislike in society
psychological cause for action, the guides behaviour towards a goal
psychological needs and drives that influence behaviour in our necessary for survival
psychological or psychosocial, state that is essential for survival or well-being
arouse, motivated state; bodily tension
satisfied need reduces drive
maintain optimal or steady internal state
detect sub optimal response, initiate action to maintain optimal level, discontinue action, when optimal level is restored
heat below desired temperature the thermostat activates furnace and increase heat. Furnace is deactivated when desired temperature is reached.
grehlin released by stomach lining signal, low, nutrient levels
orexin released by lateral hypothalamus to increase hunger Drive
Hormone released by fat cells when body fat, exceeds optimal setpoint
Signals to ventromedial hypothalamus to decrease release of orexin
external incentives: external stimuli that motivate behaviour
innate genetic predisposition towards goals and behaviour that helped our ancestors survive and reproduce
innate genetic preference for sugar and fat do to, ancestral survival benefits
innate need to seek simulation and information
motivated to keep arousal at optimal level
motivated by internal rewards with not obvious external rewards
motivated by external factors
activated when you have arousal emotions like fear and anger
reduces arousal; conserves energy
explanation for why something happened?
A persons, unique and relatively stable pattern of thinking emotions and behaviour
style of personality, defined by a group of relative traits that people have in common
Measure of problematic personality traits, relevant to clinical psychology and psychiatry
and enduring pattern or emotions, thoughts and behaviors, and interpersonal functioning
different among individuals in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are stable over a variety of situations in a fairly long period of time
information you are presently aware of
something you are not currently conscious of, but can be conscious of later
something you feel anxious uncomfortable with, and is actively kept out of your conscious mind
personality structure that focusses primarily on unconsciousness
pleasure principle-life insticts: survival and reproduction
death instinct: aggressive urges
internalized values
guilt(bad behaviour)-pride(good behaviour)
mediator- mediate intrapsychic conflict between id and ego
desires of idconflict with moral standards of super ego
results of an eagle cannot gratify id drives, due to reality principle unconscious
distort deny or block reality to lessen anxiety
reducing to believe reality, that makes you anxious
shifting unacceptable urges to less threatening person or object
reasonable explanation to hide unacceptable feelings, or motives
channel. Unacceptable urges into socially acceptable activities.
changing unacceptable desires to the opposite
disgusting unacceptable impulses by attributing them to others
unresolved conflict in psychosexual development
gullible, passive attention, seeking need mothering
Cause: overindulgence at oral stage
exploits others, and is argumentative
Cause: frustration and oral stage
disorderly, detractive, cruel, messy
cause: over indulgence at anal stage
obstinate vein exhbitionistic, boastful, sexually compulisve
cause: overindulgence of frustration in the phallic stage
discrepancy between self image, and true, or ideal self
selves are aligned
rare or unusual behaviour is statistically abnormal
failure to conform to societal norms or standards for acceptable conduct
private feelings of pain and happiness, or emotional distress
whether there are impairments in social or occupational functioning
A disturbance in thoughts, emotions, or behaviour due to a psychological disfunction within an individuals associated with personal distress or impairment in functioning, and is not typically or culturally expected
cognitive emotional and behavioural systems not functioning properly
diagnostic labels can develop negative connotations
humans have evolved a biological pre-distortion to fear things that have been dangerous in the past
any psychological technique that can bring about positive changes in a persons, personality, behavior, or adjustment
promotes understanding of origins of disorder
directly change problems without insight into their origins
therapist leads client towards resolution at difficulties
therapist supports client will client gain insight into and find solutions to problems
One client in session
multiple clients in session
client and therapist meet face-to-face
client and therapist meet over the phone or on the Internet
based on freuds theory that personality results from intrapsychic personality results from intrapsychic conflict between id, ego, and super ego
A modification of psychoanalysis
Carl Rogers; humanistic psychotherapy; insight therapy(insight into self to develop more self understanding, and self acceptance); nondirective
actively change behaviour by applying learning principles
extinguishing fear by breaking association between cs and ucs
uses operant conditioning to create disruptive, impulses, control, and conduct disorders
incorporates cognitive therapy techniques with behavioural techniques
change dynamic in couple/family systems to solve problems
reduce delusions and hallucinations; negative symptoms in some cases
dampen arousal and reduce anxiety
reduce depression, and sometimes anxiety
counteract, bipolar disorder
reduce ADHD symptoms
Block reuptake of serotonin increase effects of serotonin
used to treat severe depression for clients unresponsive to anti-depressants medication
Random assignment to treat or control groups
technique for combining the results of many studies
The use of psychological principles and theories to solve practical problems
how do use psychology to find the best candidate for a job
how do you psychology to create organizations that maximize the success and well-being of the workers
A management approach with a sole emphasis on worker efficiency
contrasted to theory X, because it assumes that employees are lazy, dislike work and requires constant supervision coercion to meet goals
inspirational vision to motivate employees
The degree to which someone feels positively towards their place of work
building achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement into the work
using Psychology to facilitate testing selection, placement and promotion at work
A detailed description of the skills, knowledge and activities required by a particular job
situation which a competent employees must be able to cope with
The process of evaluating potential job candidates
collecting biographical data on job candidate
formal or informal, questioning of job applicants to learn about their qualifications and personality
conducting each interview in a constant standardized way
aptitude test measure a persons potential to learn tasks and skills used in various occupations
in-depth evaluations of job candidates
how people affect the physical environment
situation in which individuals face a choice between self interest in the interest of the group
A marketing technique that seeks to change attitudes and behaviours by making social norms explicit
A persuasion techniques that seeks to change behaviour by providing people with personalized information about themselves, as well as their peers
The study of psychological and behavioural dimensions of sports performance
Breaking sports performance down into subparts, so that key elements can be identified and taught
performance, in which physical mental, and emotional states are harmonious an optimal