Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Tiny thread-like structure inside the nucleus of a cell
Series of nucleotides that provides a code for a specific protein along DNA
In the cell nucleus
Around 2000
The chromosomes are the same
Characteristics that are influenced by genes carried on sex chromosomes
Visual representation of the chromosomes of an organism
Monosomy is where one chromosome is missing
Trisomy is where there is an extra chromosome
Organisms would florish
One cell splits in half to create a new cell
Produces a special sex cell celled gametes
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
It has one set of chromosomes and its not homologous. It is produced during Meiosis
2 sets of chromosomes, 1 from each parent
One half of a duplicated chromosome
Parts of the chromosome can be switched
Alternative form of gene for particular characteristics
Gene locus
The thing that makes up the organism
What you see on the organism
A chart with symbols to represent relationships within a family
if both parents have a trait but one or more offsprings do not have it
if both parents have a trait but one or more offsprings have it