the 'oneness' in reference to god and is the basic muslim belief in the oneness of god
muslims believe that allah is the only god
the declaration of faith which consists of the statement 'there is no god except allah, prophet mahammad is the messenger of allah'
the first thing a baby hears is the declaration of faith
means association; regarding anything as being equal or partner to allah
comparing anything to allah e.g. drawing a picture of allah
islamic holy book. its the divine book revealed to the prophet mahammad, allahs final revelation to humankind
gives muslims guidance and is the ultimate authority as it is the literal words of allah
it is the sayings of prophet mahammad, as recounted by his household, descendants and companions. there are a major source of islamic law
2nd most important authority
"were all equal like the teeth of a comb"
prescribed communication with and worship of allah, preformed under specific conditions, in a manner taught by prophet mahammad and recited in arabic.
muslims pray five times a day and believe that the five times of salat are fixed by allah.
this is the call to prayer, usually performed by muezzin
this is varying forms of personal prayer
duah is optional prayer usually performed after salah and is individual to each muslim.
this is the purification of wealth by payment of annual alsmgiving. An obligatory act of worship.
Muslims give 2.5% of additional welath annually
voluntary payment or good action for charitable purposes
gifting money or food to the homeless
this is fasting from just before dawn until sunset. Abstinence is required from all food and drink as well as smoking and sexual relations.
Muslims fast in the month of ramadan which is a part of the muslims lunar calander
this is any action or thing that is permitted or lawful, often used in reference to foods that are permitted
Halal animals must be slaughtered by a Muslim, who says a blessing, and by hand, not by machine and the blood must be drained from the carcass as a muslim can not consume frsh blood of animals