1970's and 80's when there was a shift in politics towards the right. RONALD REAGAN & MARGERAT THATCHER
as a REAL problem that destroys communities and undermines social cohesion.
Biological differences, socialisation and the underclass, and rational choice theory.
BENEFIT STREET: only 5% of people working on the street so it became the norm.
Lone parent families. It means reduced responsibilty, and ineffective socialisation for boys (fits OCS), lack of father could turn young boys to gangs.
Threatens social cohesion as it undermines values of hard work.
Commiting crime is a CHOICE based on rational calculation of the likely consequences. If the rewards outweigh the risks people are likely to offend.
Ignores wider structural poverty, overstates offenders ability to make calculations, and its contradictory! Free choice doesnt fit with biological or socialisation.
Focus on rational choice, seek practical measures to make crime less attractive. (TARGET HARDENING AND ZERO TOLERANCE)
Making it harder to commit crime e.g. barbed wire, shutters, alarms, guard dogs etc.
Clamp down on small things before they get bigger. Essential to maintain in local areas to prevent bigger crimes taking place.
ZERO TOLERANCE- police should focus on patrolling streets. Supporters of zero tolerance claim it achieved huge reductions in crim in 1990's
YOUNG argues that the 'success' of zero tolerance was a myth by politicians keen to take credit for falling crime rates. Crime rates in New York had already been falling for 9 years.
1980's- they are similar to Marxists however they are reformists rather than revolutionists.
crime is a problem that affects disadvantaged groups who are the main victims
A crisis of explanaition.
Relative deprivation, subculture and marginalisation
How someone feels deprived in relation to others, compared to their own expectations.
YOUNG: "Lethal combination is relative depravatioin and individualism."
A subculture is a group's collective solution to relative deprivation.