Democratic, technologically innovative, wealthy, aging population, low population
Non-democratic, low technology, ppor, rapid population growth, overstrained social and ecological systems
High quality of life, stable gov and economy, advanced tech
Lower standard of living, unstable government and economy, low level of technology access
Western Bloc- US, NATO, Japan, and other industrialized democratic countries
Eastern Bloc- USSR, Eastern Europe, China, and other communist countries
Originally non aligned countries, evolved into developing
Indigenous peoples, nations without a sovereign state
Less than 1046 gni per person
1046- 12,695 GNI per person
Greater than 12,695 GNI per person
1600s- 1700s Heavy government regulation on economic life to increase state power. State works with them, encourages exports and limit imports
The use of economic, poltical, cultural or other pressires to control or infulence other countries expecial previously owned/ former dependencies
Support nation's interests even if it's to the detriment of other nations
countries should increase power and wealth to complete with other countries
Core (industrialized) countries exploit the periphery (non-industrialized) countries. Economic power over foreign lands.
Inevitable consequence of capitalism: need for profitable outlets for surplus production
1=most devloped 191= least developed
Goods and services provided by a country in a year per person
dollar value of a country's final income in a year by population
Measure of income distribution
1= equality. Ratio is female:male
Further away from 1 is less equality
# of infant (below 1 yr) deaths per 1,000 live births