is the process by which different creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex forms during the historh of the earth
darwins theory of evolution
the duty upon human beings tl respect, care for and preserve the natural environment. crucial to environmental responsibilty is the idea of sustainability
managing your business waste for recycling by separating paper, card, plastic, metals and glass prior to collection.
the belief that life is precious or sacred because humans are made in 'gods image'. for many religious believers, only human life holds this special status
pro life arguement
this is the extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
an example of this is a mother deciding to terminate a foetus based on a condition that will restrict their quality of life
is when a pregnancy is ended by the deliberate removal of the foetus from the womb so that it does not result in the birth of a child
a woman may decide to do this if she was victim to a rape, is not financially stable or doesnt feel ready for a child
this is the act of killing a person, either directly or indirectly, because a decision has been reached that death woukd be the best option (sometimes reffered to ad a mercy killing)
if a child is brain dead a parent can decide to turn off life support
this is life after death; the belief that existence continues after physical death
heaven and hell
this is the spiritual aspect of a being, which some religions believe connects a person to god; also often seen as non-physical and as living after physical death in an afterlife
soul gives people hope for examole is someone suffered greatly while they were alive, it gives hope that their soul is now at peace.