Rights that protect people from receiving unafair treatment by other individuals or organizations
Treating individuals unfairly, or differently becuase of certain characteristics like: race, sex, religion, age, disability.
Denial of services based on a persons appearence, association with or belonging to a certain group.
place or facility where discrimination took place
Yes, the governnet can limit our rights. They can limit your rights if your freedom enrights someones freedoms. They should be able to justify why they are limiting your rights.
1. The goverment is involved
2. which section was infringed
3. Do the balancing test
4. where charges dropped?
The rights and freedoms in the rest of the chart can be "violated" or limited by the government as long as the governmnet is able to justify its actions
24(1) if you think your rights have been violated you can ask for remedy or apply to a court of completed jurisdiction where the governmnet will evaluate the case. This will help you reduce your sentence.
24(2) ilegally obtained evidence should not be allowed to use or any illegal matter and if used it can casue disrepute
government can overwrite your charter rights but not all. Sections (2, 7, 14, & 15)
Reasonable limit
Bill of Rights
Civil Rights
Human Rights
Fundamental Freedoms
Charter of Rights
Not withstanding
Our legal rights. these sections set our rights that protect Canadians when dealing with the justice system
a necessary requirement for a proper or efficient job performance