volume, variety, velocity
instead of relying on logic alone, base dec on sc empirical evidence.
- defence essence of pb & ask right q
- collect evidence
- critically analyse evidence
- use results to decide
- evaluate perf
- Primary data: collected specifically to test our q
- Satisfaction surveys; focus grps on specific q;…
- Secondary data: collected w different or no primary purpose in mind
- Absence levels; T to recruit each job;…
Understanding new modes of analysis; new data opp (Big data)
- Descriptive: describe relationships and current and hist data patterns
- Predictive: using current & hist facts to make prediction abt future
- Prescriptive: analysing complex data to predict outcomes, provide dec options, show alt B impacts
pop, intervention, comparison, outcome, context
B strategy; workforce planning; job analysis; recruitment; selection
stocktaking; forecasting; dvlp actions plans; implementation; assess & adjust
Process used to gather detailed info abt various tasks & resp involved in a position = knowledge, skills, attitudes associated w successful perf in a role are id
- Methods = background info; obs; q.aires
- Outcomes = job description (outlines typical job duties & resp); person specification (outlines essential criteria for person doing job)
- Validity: extent to which selection method measures what it purports to measure & how well it does it
- Reliability: consistency
- Legality: adverse impact = employment practices that appear neutral disproportionally impact members of a protected grp, w/out B necessity
learning= acquiring knowledge, skills, exp; raising self-awareness. range of formal/informal act => change in behav
education= acquiring knowledge, skills, exp. period of study => qualification
training= acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes. instructional process => perf job/role effectively
dvlpmt= gradual growth of indiv. range of act
Human res dvlpmt= field of practice: help empl learn & dvlp. training & dvlpmt; carreer dvlpmt => improve org.al effectiveness
1. Cognitivism: absorbing, storing, and retrieving info => outcome: change in mental schemas
2. Behaviourism: app of pos & neg reinforcements => outcome: change in behav
3. Experiential learning: cyclical process of making meaning through experience => outcome: learning through experience
- Analysis: gather + analyse data to determine org learning & dvlpmt need
- Design: building program -> 4 steps:
- Formulate learning obj
- Plan assessment strategy
- Determine lvls, types, and diff
- Select delivery method
- Develop: drafting, production and testing of learning mat
- Implement: delivering program
- Evaluate: 4 levels (KIRKPATRICK):
- Reaction: what did learners feel abt learning exp?
- Learning: did learners learn anything?
- Behav: did learners do anything different as result of training?
- Results: effect of training on overall B?
- Mobile learning: portable devices; used by 10% org
- Social learning: digital interactions; used by 59% org
- Adaptive learning: personalised programs; data mining to put tgt individualised learning content
Process for establishing shared understanding abt what is to be achieved, and an approach to managing & developing ppl in a way which increases probability that it will be achieved in the short + long term
- Mutual gains (unitarist view): happy = productive. HR practices benefit empl in terms of wellbeing, who the, work harder, benefiting org
- Conflicting outcomes (pluralist): HR practices are for M benefit + do not benefit employ (may even harm them)
- Unitarist view:
- Employers and employ share same goals
- Happy empl benefits all
- Conflict due to personality clashes & comm issues, not real issues
- Pluralist view:
- Conflict is inevitable => parties have differing interests
- M role = balance conflicting interests
- TU = necessary & valuable
- Marxist view:
- Conflict necessary for workers to further their interests
- Methods of reducing conflict are only out to benefit M
Adv of transparency:
- Removes uncertainty / assym info
- Promotes trust & fairness
- Promotes motivation & perf
Adv of secrecy:
- Org.al control = avoid conflicts
- Protection of privacy
- Decrease L mobility
- Distributive pay nondisclosure: restrictions on sharing info abt pay levels
- Pay comm restriction: stop empl from talking abt their pay
- Procedural pay nondisclosure: restrict info abt how pay dec are made
- Direct voice: involvement in day-to-day dec (manager; HR department)
- Indirect voice: focus more on strategic issues (TU; employ reps)
- Intensity of effort
- Direction of effort
- Persistence od effort
- Statutory: set out by law
- Org.al: specific to org
merit pay
indiv perf: pricework; bonuses; commission
grp perf: team-based pay; P-sharing; share ownership; gainsaring
-> Sorting effect: how compensation can attract and retain high-performing employees while potentially dissuading low-performing employees.
-> Incentive effect: impact of compensation on motivating employees to improve their performance or achieve specific goals.
direct pay: base pay; perf-related pay
indirect pay: benefits (statutory; org specific)
job security; carreer dvlpmt; recognition & awards; work-life balance
- Help employee ID personal success story
- Help empl discover personal success code
- Help empl align future w personal success code (feedforward q)
AMO model:
- Ability: do empl have right knowledge & skills to succeed?
- Motivation: do empl know what is expected of them?
- Opportunity: do empl operate in environment conductive to perf?
- Perf plan: Translate org goals into individual goals; Det what will be measured to det perf
- Feedback: Provide feedback to employee abt perf
- Mid-y evaluation: Discuss incremental goal attainment; Redefine goals
- Y-end perf appraisal: Formal perf rating; Discuss goal attainment + areas for improvement
(occurs infrequently) formal process by which employees are evaluated by judge who assesses empl’s perf along given set of dimensions, assigns score, & informs employee of formal rating.
- Contrast effect: raters exaggerate empl perf based on prior candidate assessed
- Primacy & recency effect: raters only use 1st or last impression to eval perf
- Halo effect: raters let overall opinion on empl influence rating of specific perf-related aspects
- Similar-to-me effect: raters assign pos perf ratings to empl because they exhibit similar characteristics as them
- Stereotyping: raters make generalisations abt particular types of ppl, which distort their overall perception
-> Improving perf measurement:
1. Critical incident technique: concrete behavioural ex of empl perf; costly & T consuming
2. 360° feedback: decrease subjectivity
3. Measure not only results, but also competencies
- Goal-setting:
- Check empl commitment to SMART goals
- Involve employee in SMART goal setting
- Coaching:
- Assign coach to empl
- Use GROW model to facilitate perf improvement
- Training:
- Provide training to increase knowledge & skills
- Role redesign & job rotation:
- Redesign role or assign empl to different role
- Increase match between job and employee k & s
clarity; challenge; commitment; task complexity; feedback
understand that B logic drives measurement; thinking in terms of of causal relationships
- 1912: Archibald Cochrane = “effectiveness and efficiency”
- 1992: 1st use “E-B medecine”
- 2000: E-B approach extends to other fields
Hr practices pos related to affective commitment & innovative behav, but also higher D therefore higher stress.