Substituting away from more expensive factors of production
Extra labor output when adding 1 extra worker
Extra revenue from selling the output made by 1 extra worker
individuals in work or seeking employment
% of the population of working age (15-65) in the labor force
How many hours to offer to work each individual
depending on real wage
Nominal wage / price of goods
minimum wage they are willing to work
higher the wage, the higher the working participation
Wages above the market level raise productivity, helps retain quality workers
Workers organization to affect pay and working conditions
A worker chooses not to accept a job at the going wage rate
A worker who would be willing to accept a job at the going wage but cannot get an offer
people in between jobs
Lack of skills to enter the labor market now
Not enough demand to provide jobs for everyone
Measures between the ability of unions to coordinate lower job acceptances
wedges between the price the purchase pays and the price sellers receive
Fraction of the last round of income paid in tax to the government
Area (A) / Area (A) + Area (B)
money available to a bank
Interbank flows within and between countries
money that can be withdrawn without prior notice
These deposits require the depositor to give notice beforehand
Change in price is also a change in the money supply
Speed stock of money is passed around the economy
people hold money to finance expected transactions
People money to meet unforeseen contingensies
People may hold money as a law-risk component of a mixed portfolio
Purchasing power rather than the nominal value of money to decide how much money to hold.
Cost is limited as they are able to adapt to it properly
people hold less cash to keep more of their money value
Inflation rates are very high
Holding little cash, as it loses value quickly
Confusing nominal price and real price
harder to adapt, redistribution of income
FIxed exchange rates, Perfect capital mobility, and Monetary Sovereignty cannot CO-EXIST!
Countries specialize in producing and exporting the goods at a lower cost compared to other countries
having the lowest production cost of a good
The value of the best alternative you must sacrifice to do something else
Gov. financial support for firms to reduce cost of producing
Protect and support industry until it's ready to compete with other countries
Gov. are bad at predicting which industries to protect and boost
no tariffs between MS
Common external tarriff
Removed non-tariff barriers on MS