Antigone Context
Aspects of tragedy genre?
-Greek tragedy theatre transcends cultural boundaries due to its themes being universal
-Tragedy is us living in a flawed world, catalysed by our actions
-Conflict between brothers, illegitimacy
-Confronting death, loss and pain by creating own reflections on our lives to create a community
Aristotle context points?
-Aristotle once said that ‘greek tragedy must be good, but not so good that you couldn’t relate to them’
-Aristotle talks of CATHARSIS being and emotional drain that al;so cleanses you as a person
Structure of tragedies?
-The structure consists of 1)a Prologue 2)the introduction of the chorus
-construction of plots…SUNRISE TO SUNSET
-A likeness with a soap opera, or other tragedies such as Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
Time period of Ancient Greek Theatre?
The period of Ancient Greece flourished between 550BC and 220 BC
Sources for historians to use?
The physical, archaeological remains
The historical plays and texts
The artwork created of play scenes
What was the name of the 3 Tragedians?
Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripidies
The Festival of Dionysus?
-An annual festival to commence the sailing
-A huge event of competition, where each playwright would be sponsored by a PROSPEROUS MAN then if won through vote there would be a reward
-Religious festivals ran by women
Meaning of masks for the chorus?
-Masks worn for a religious reason, to worship Dionysus and to celebrate the theatre. It was multi-rolled meaning that the mask would enable you to play different characters
What is the engagement like?
-a socio domestic agreement between father and groom
-no freedom for woman or voice
Why get married at this time?
-honouring the gods, securing connections between families and for Eros, the god of fertility
What happens during the procession?
-a 3 day event, walk through the streets of Thebes by grrom then go to marital chamber
Key instrument used in this wedding ceremony?
Double-flute during the procession
What happened during the burial rites?
Grave is washed with holy water, a memorial is raised and there are prayers to specific gods
What are lamentations?
Where the women cut their hair at the funerals and sing songs at the grave
What happens once you die and recieve the burial rites?
You go to the underworld with Hades by crossing the River Styx on Hades boat
What is the layout of a Greek theatre?
1) Orchestra - Simple circular space where the chorus sang and danced.
2) Left Parados - entrance for actors indicating the character is coming from outside the city.
3) Right Parados - entrance for actors indicating the character is coming from within the city
4) Theatron - the seating area for the audience
5) The Throne of Dionysis - central seat for the Priest of Dionysis to sit in when viewing plays at the festival.
6) Prohedria - the seating area for the most significant and important people in the audience (including members of the jury who would judge the plays.
7) Skene - the back wall of the stage - backstage is created as a result for dressing and changing.
8) Paraskenion - wings - storage of props could be in this area
9) Proskenion - the main stage - a raised platform in front of the skene where the main action of the play would be performed.
Ekkyklema - a platform that could be rolled onto the stage to show images from offstage action.
Gender roles in theatre
-Only men could be actors
-They wore masks and wigs to multi-role and change their appearances
-Plays were written by men and only mean who watched them
-'better to bury a woman than to marry her'
-Despite women not having a political voice, Oedipus recognised their value in society by writing about female leads
Quiz |
Antigone Terminology |
HT (Critic's quotes) |
kap 5 meningar |
GS BegrippenToets Periode 3 |
Income tax Intro |
Entrep |
japanese |
Family JapLearning Japanese, Using These flash Cards To help :)) |
Etnicitet sociologi |
electricity |
are u a good pookie?!?jj |
Biologi 5.4 Ekosystemen + 5.5 Hållbar utvEkosystem |
Ch 4-6 |
sociologi |
Développement de la personne |
reading exam |
GermanGerman flashcards for ks3 |
so läxa protestantiska kyrkan |
socail deffinitions |
so läxa ortodoxa kyrkan |
anthro week 5 quiz |
Production systems |
r |
accounting 1-3 |
etre |
avoir |
Muscle Tissue |
körkort teori |
hjärnloben och dess funktionhjärnan består av 3 delar, storhjärnan lillhjärnan och hjätnstammen och de olika delarna styr olika funktioner. |
stora testet |
CFPFundamentals of Financial Planning |
engels parsing sentences |
so läxa katolska kyrkan |
Weber, Marx, Durkheim, Addams, Mead, Simmel, Du Bois |
fil |
biology |
HjärnloberNamn på loberna på svenska och latin |
DT 5 - LuftvägBasala
Främmande kropp |
BIO 112L EKG |
french 2.2 |
action words |
places |
Health Science Quiz |
Chap.2 Psycho |
Jainism Terms |
travels |
ES : SVT |
Nervous System - Cell Biology Semester 2 |
english termanology |
english |
english macbeth |
history renaissance medicine |
grammatica h3 |
numbers |
spaans zinnen h3 |
plural |
Frans Chapitre 3 bron F 1v2 |
Frans Chapitre 3 bron E 1v2 |
Ecology and Populations - Biodiversity semester 2 |
allemend |
s |
cree words |
History |
idrot prov |
kemi läxförhöre |
Met (Pressure levels) |
cree locatives |
cree diminutives |
Inför fysik-prov (kapitel 6) - |
hkk glosor |
shop infrmantion |
i pasti e il cibo |
Interior design 3 |
Spanska kap 5, stavning |
Spanska |
Fonctions 2 |
Natures de mots |
Exodoncia |
Cx Bucal |
musicmusic |
Frida Kahlo |
forensics |
poetic methods |
englsihmeaning of volta |
English vocab |
english words |
def of stuff |
history |
CSI 1terminology |
Het regelmatige werkwoord -er Frans |
Manuel |
german 16 |
Verbet FAIRE (options) |
Verbet FAIRE |
possessiva pronomen |
1.8 |
comp sup irreg |
e |
ordtest 15/2 |
6076 Classification and PrioritizationExam Prepartion |
words |
12 eisen requirements |
Frans blokje B |
antibiotici |
Ten Principles of Economics |
elements |
Civil Aviation Regulations |
PSYC 105 midterm 1 |
HHA II Midterm |
hkk |
Theory test |
Bioenergetics, Glycolysis, Krebs cycle+ Electron Transport chain- Biochemistry Semester 2 |
Social Studies |
Spiritualiteit les 5 |
6076 Document object modelDOM |
La découverte du nouveau monde |
Koine Greek Participle of ειμι |
Frans blokje A |
Synonyms |
Gen Info |
mark up languages |
Advanced accounts |
Populära barnspel |
Semaine 5 (options) |
Pathologie neuro |
83kirjasta |
j ljudet 6 |
french test #1 |
Atomic Structure Flashcards - Part 1 |
OrganismsLife science topic organism |
Spiritualiteit les 4 |
week 6 |
f |
AQA geography birmigham case study |
Spiritualiteit lesdag 3 |
Jake |
Taktik |
santé motricité physio respiratoire |
Begrepp |
Spiritualiteit les 2 |
Knowledge Test NJ - Primary |
Semaine 5 (type) |
Spanish Vocab Test 4 |
General Equilibrium Teory - DeSerpaChapter 16 |
2.2 Mes passions à moi |
espagnolo facil |
america latina |
....1 |
Family and friends |
franska glosor kap 9 |
123 |
general science- exam |
biologia |
Polislagen 1-10§ |
la salute e la medicine |
to rattleto worry someone or make someone nervous: |
Income Tax PGBP |
module 2 study |
5.2 |
Service |
5.1 |
English-MakingHistory2024 |
Onderzoek neurologie |
Språktenta |
politik |
Pathologie neuro fysiologie |
religion |
social studies notes 1/31 |
Capitals (inverse) |
FL 4 Kommunikayionssystem |
cyber security 1-3 |
PigsPigs |
Wordly Wise 3000 lesson 1vocabulary |
Teeth |
HT (Context) |
marketing chapter 9 |
BHV-Toets |
home services pricing |
Genetics midterm 1 |
Anthro week 3 flashcards |
Antho week 4 quiz |
emprical studies introbasics - central tendency, spread |
ak se3thema water en bevolking en ruimte |
biology B6 |
unit 6 bio |
WC Reading Quiz #2 |
Study-HOSA |
Supply Chain |
psychometry |
trophosphere geographylol |
chemieorganische verbindingsklassen en monofunctionele verbindingsklassen |
geography atmosphere |
Biologi 5.2 Energi och materia + 5.3 |
Pathologie orthopedie breuken |
spainsh unit 2 b |
AP1 |
Revalida |
scince test flash cardsstudyy |
French Vocab Test |
songbirds and snakes vocab |
Spanska glosor |
geo110 |
french |
LobstersLobsters |
Social Terms Jan-Feb |
Pathologie orthopedie bovenste extremiteit |
KNSS 307 ( development of human locomotions |
KNSS 307( Early Motor Development |
Modern studies testmy test |
The limbic systemCharlotte |
English vocabulary |
Pathology unit 1 |
History quiz 4 |
Respiritory system |
GTF + De taktiska grundprinciperna |
Fondamentaux Biologie |
Sampling |
FL 3 Kommunikationssystem |
Films test |
Unit 4 |
NO |
geología chuletillas |
Capitals |
Économie S4 |
politics essayessay |
week 1.2 Term and Lesions |
Week 2 - Skin Care 2 Assignment - Emollients and Eve Taylor Lotions, Moisturizer |
week 1.2- Extended Health screening |
Vocabulary |
Japanese Phrases (Everyday) |
geologia |
Sharks |
months and order numbers |
Spanska läxa v.5 |
spanish 2 2A and 2B |
phyics 10P1 |
Réviser les pronoms et les déterminants 5e |
georaphymap skills key words |
cree |
show me tell me motorbikeeee |
CELLScan you answer the questions |
Geometryanswer these |
Forensic science review |
Réviser les pronoms et les déterminants 6e |
Svenska adjektiv mm A |
mineralen |
1) Humble 2) Serendipity 3) Tedious 4) Riposte 5) Outlandish 6) Benevolent 7) Ba |
english exam gr 10 |
loayمشهور طالب نشيط |
Population Vocab |
vitamines |
Biology/Nask flashcardsVerrie prittie vlesjkarts meet bij Kirsten for bijoloodjie ent nask prodject |
E-nummers |
Spierskeletsysteem2 -KTY2 |
Maths |
perception: intro- what is perception
- the eye
- prisoners ?
- evolution
-sensation vs perecption
-camera model
- experimental study |
Inför fysik-prov (kapitel 6) |
main practice |
german 15 |
multiplying |
science |
science plants test unit 3 |
Business test |
masu form |
C1 Level vocabulary |
Unit 1 Animal Diversity |
homeworkexam de finance chapitre credit |
les genresla hierarchie des genres |
englisch chapter 2 |
gsJa |
electronics |
los verbos |
science studying |
matte |
light reflection |
physicss |
combined higher, quantitative chemistry, GCSE flashcardsidk |
substances - chemistry |
men and women in the family |
contraception in islam |
Anglais: native americans |
IT Management chapters 1-3 |
latijn |
pneumatics and hydraulics |
Divorce in islam |
History quiz THREE!!!! |