also called articulations where two or more bones meet
give skeleton mobility and hold skeleton together
Plane: nonaxial (intercarpal joint)
Hinge: uniaxial (elbow joints)
Pivot: uniaxial (atlantoaxial joint)
condylar: biaxial (wrist/knucle joints)
saddle: biaxial (carpometacarpal joints)
ball and socket: multiaxial (shoulder/hip joints)
joined by collagen fibers of connective tissue
immoveavle or slighlty moveable
joint held together with very short interconnecting fibers and bone edges interlock
found only in the skull
joint held together by a ligament
fibrous tissue can vary in length but longer than sutures
"peg in socket" fibrous joint
periodontal ligament that holds tooth in socket
bones joined by cartilage
immoveable or slightly moveable
bones united by hyaline cartilage
bones united by fibrocartilage
bones covered with articular joint, seperated by joint caity and enclosed within capsule
freely moveable
overuse injury (knee minisci)
cartilage frgments interfere with joint function
treatment: arthroscopic surgery
ligaments reinforcing joint are stretched or torn
healing is slow due to poor vascularization
inflammation of the tendon
treatment: ice, rest, anti-inflammatory drugs
Inflammation of one or more joints
over 100 different types
diseases affective joint comfort and function