Metal grills are used to remove large floating insoluables like plastic or vegetation
Bubbles of air increase dissolved oxygen content, which can make some metals insoluable
Small particles flock together due to the repulsive charge between them being neutralised
Water is left static which allows suspended solids (e.g silt) to settle
Water is flushed through high quality sand
Water is flushed into tank which contains layers of carbon particles
Chlorination, Ozone, UV radiation, pH, softening, Fluoridation
Chlorine is added which kills bacteria
Injected into water which reacts with and removes pathogens + organic pesticides.
water is irridated to kill all pathogens
Adjusting pH to accepfable level (6.5-8.5) as neutralising agent is added to water tank
Water is mixed with ion exchange resin; less prone to limescale and destroying pipes
Fluoride is added to water which improves dental hygiene
If not removed, the impurities can clog up pipes during purification
Low dissolved oxygen levels causes anarobic respiration and makes water smell of hydrogen sulfide
The small particles of clay which stick together sink as they are heavier, thus are easier to remove
Removes any remaining suspended solids and bacteria
Removes organic chemicals e.g pesticides, and other substances which taste bad.
By allowing suspended solids to settle, they are easier to remove.