Fertilization of the egg
Storage and maturation of sperm
Vas deferens
Ectopic pregnancy
Zygote begins cleavage and rapid cell division begin without enlargment
12-24 hours
16 cell stage. 3-4 days to reach uterus
Trophoblast and Embryoblast
It becomes the chorion. Secretes enzymes that allow for implantation. Secretes HCG. No menstruation
Inner mass cells that develop into the embryo
Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm
Development of the nervous system and skin
Development of skeleton, muscles and reproductive organs
Development of the digestive tract and respiratory system.
Allows exchange between mom and baby. Prevents further ovulation. Produces progesterone, estrogen and hCG
Sack filled with amniotic fluid. Embryo temperature regulation.
Forms into the umbilical cord, connecting baby and placenta.
produces 1st blood cells and future gametes.
The corpus luteum which then becomes the placenta
Oxytocin and prolactin
day 6-13
New follicle matures. Increase in FSH. follicle cells secrete estrogen. Triggers the release of LH
Production of sperm and testosterone
3 degrees lower than body temp. Close to body when cold, away when hot
sperm cells. Spermatogenesis: sperm making
Sertoli cells
nutrients to developing sperm cells
Production of testosterone
Located on the head of the sperm. Acrosome is caps with enzymes that dissolves the eggs coat and allow for penetration.
the middle
Stores immature sperm. They become mature and fertile as they move through the epididymis
Comma shaped on top of the testes
Dustus (Vas) Derferens
Ejaculatory duct
Cowpers gand
Estrogen and Progesterone
Its much larger than sperm. an egg that is non motile and lots of mitochondria
Fallopian tube
ova and oocytes
Receives oocyte from the ovary. Not directly connected to the ovaries
Myometrium and Endometrium
Muscle layer that supports baby
Blood vessel linding that provides nourishment for the embryo. Sheds during period. Embryo implants in the endometrium
Glial cells and Neurons
Glial cells
Branches which accepts nerve impuleses from other neurons and carry them towards the body
Mylinated Neuron.
Longer branches which carries nerve impulses away from body
Myelin sheath
Schwann cells
Nodes od Ranvier. Electrical impulses that jump from node to node
Gather infomation from sensory receptors, and transmit to brain
Process and intergrate incoming sensory into neuron and relaying info to motor neurons
Transmit infomation from brain to muscles and other organs
1.Polarized/ resting 2.depolarization 3. repolarization 4. refractory period
The minimum charge in the membrane potential required to generate an action potential
Excitatory and Inhibitory
causes contraction of muscle fibres
enzymes that break down acetylcholine after action potential has occurred
The cerebral cortex or the cerebrum
Creative and abstract thinking
analytical and concrete
Corpus Callosum
Conscious thoughts, intelligence, memory, personality, voluntary muscle movements and the Broca's area
Touch, taste and info about body position
processes visual information.
Patients are unable to produce fluent speech but can understand others
Patients can produce fluent speech but cannot understand
Coordinates fine muscle movements and balance
The somatic system and autonomic system
controls voluntary movement. Carries info from the sensory receptors to the skeletal
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
stimulated by light (eye receptors)
Stimulated by chemicals (nose or tongue)
stimulated by pressure ( ear)
stimulated by heat/cold (skin)
forms optic nerve that exits back of the eye
eyeball is elongated, so focused light falls in front of retina
eyeball is shortened so focused light falls behind retina
organs of hearing found within the cochlea of the inner ear. Contains hair cells that detect vibration
semicircular canals
olfactory bulb
anti peeing hormone
Secretion of cortisol
conversion of ammonia to glucose
a hormone produced by the hypothalamus; acts on the anterior pituitary to release two sex hormones LH and FSH
long term stress
metabolism and blood cells
lots of thyroxine
testosterone from interstitial cells
Outside = positive Na + inside = negative K+