Xian Tian Exam
What organ houses the Shen?
What do the Chinese characters of Yin and Yang represent?
Yin - shady side of a hill, Yanf - sunny side of a hill
Why does left pertain to Yang and right to Yin?
As we face south the sun rises (Yang) in the East and sets (Yin) in the West
Why does round pertain to Yang and right to Yin?
Heaven is above and ao Yang and is imagined like a round vault, Earth js below and can be parcelled into fields
How do Yin and Yang relate to the Five seasons?
Yang - Spring and Summer, Yin - Autumn and Winter
You are by a lake in a very hot day and you observe the vapour rising from the surface of the water, how do you interpret this in terms of Yin and Yang?
The Sun is Yang, the Water of the lake is Yin. The heat of the Sun (Yang) transforms the Water (Yin) into vapoir (Yang)
When Yang is preponderant, what happens to Yin?
Yin decreases
When Yin is deficient, what happens to Yang?
An apparant excess of Yang
Explain the relationship between Liver-Blood and Liver-Qi in terms of Yin and Yang.
Liver-Blood and Liver-Qi are an example of the Yin-Yang opposition of structure and function. Liver-Blood is the structure of Liver-Yin and the free flow of Liver-Qi is the function of Liver-Yang. The two are inderdependent.
Mention at least five examples of the opposition of Yin-Yang in symptomatogy?
Hot/Cold, Dry/Wet, Excess/Deficient, Ascending/Descending, Rapid/Slow, Restless/Quiet, Excitment/Inhibition
Relate Excess of Yin/Yang and Deficiency of Yin/Yang to Heat and Cold (Full or Empty)
Excess Yin - Full Cold, Excess Yang - Full Heat, Deficienct Yin - Empty Heat, Deficient Yang - Empty Cold
If Yang is described as warming and moving how would you describe Yin?
Cooling, Stillness
What is the name of the classical book studying the different permutations of Yin and Yang?
Yi Jing
In the Taiji symbol what is the direction of generation?
The Taiji symbol depicts the four rules of Yin and Yang - what are the four rules?
Opposition, inter-dependence, mutual consumption, transformation
Give examples of an external heavenly influence
Weather, climate, sun and moon
If external disease comes from invading heavenly pathogens - Yang, where does the internal - Yin disease originate?
The Mind
If women are said to be governed by Blood, what are men said to be governed by?
Men have a daily 24 hour cycle of energy. How long is a woman's cycle and what is the external influence?
28 days, the Moon
Yang and Yin Qi are governed by day and night. if you stay up late at night on a regular basis what aspect of Qi will you become deficient in?
Yin Qi
Ying Qi is a nutritive form of Qi, where does it primarily circulate?
The channels
The Shang Dynasty first recorded Chinese Medicine teachings - what did they record them on?
Turtle bones
Name two influential luminaries from the Golden age of Chinese Medicine
Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mencius
The Yellow Emperors Classic of Medicine has two distinct parts, what are they called?
Sun Wen and Ling Shu
Which practioner is credited with Qi Gong practices known as the animal frolics?
Hwa To
Sun Simao is credited with writing which classic?
Heart Classic, Ethical code of Conduct for Chinese Medicine
What is the Chinese name for Blood?
What form of Qi flows alongside the Blood?
Ying Qi
Which channels carry the Blood through the body?
Jing Mai, Luo Mai, Sun Mai
Name two channels which (similar to arteries) move Blood away from the Heart?
Heart, Kidneys, Bladder, Gallbladder, Lung, Stomach
Name two channels which (similar to veins) return Blood to the Heart?
Liver, Pericardium, Spleen, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, San Jiao
What form of Qi does the Spleen contribute to the formation of Blood?
Gu Qi
What form of Qi do the Kidneys contribute to the formation of Blood?
Yuan Qi
The Heart is said to govern the Blood. Which of these statements about the Heart functions are true? The Heart generates Blood, The Heart moves the Blood, the Heart stamps/ seals the Blood?
All true
There are five functions of the Blood, name them.
Nutrivite, Moistening, houses the mind/anchors the Shen, provides gracefullness of movement and ageing and for menstruation (blood sent from the Liver)
Which organ moves Gu Qi to the Heart?
Which organ stores the Blood?
Which organ holds the Blood in the channel system?
Give three examples of thin/Jin fluids
Sweat, saliva, tears
Give three examples of Thicker/Ye fluids?
Sexual fluids, joint fluids, cerebrospinal fluids
What are the functions of the Jin fluids?
Moisten and nourish surface of the skin
Which organ is said to be the root of fluids?
Which organ likened to a 'canopy' disperse/ spread the fluids and deacend fluids to the Kidneys?
The Spleen is the first organ to process the fluids and sort the pure from the impure, where does it send the pure fluids to?
The Small Intestine also sorts the pure from the impure, where does it send the pure fluids to?
Which organs steam the fluids?
The San Jiao transports fluids between which two organs?
Lungs and Kidneys
Fluids 'like a mist' are in which part of the San Jiao?
Upper Jiao
What parts of the body are considered the Exterior?
Skin, muscles and the channels
What parts of the body are considered the Interior?
internal organs
What two simultaneous symptoms point to an invasion from an external pathogenic factor?
Fever, aversion to cold
What defines a Full condition?
The presence of a pathogenic factor (interior or exterior) and the resulting struggle with the body's Qi
What are the symptoms that mark the change from a condition progressing from the exterior to the interior?
Disappearance of aversion to cold and onset of aversion to heat
Full Heat is a manifestation of..
Excess Yang
Full Heat can be internal and external True or False
Name 5 symptoms of Full-Heat in an internal condition
thirst, a feeling of heat, mental restlessness, red face, scanty urine, dry stools, Rapid-Full pulse, red tongue with yellow coating
Where can Internal Full-Heat patterns arise from?
Excess consumption of hot-energy foods, spices, alcohol, emotional stress (indirectly from Qi stagnation) external pathogenic factor that penetrates the Interior
Empty-Heat arises from a...
Deficiency of Yin
How can you tell the different between Yin deficiency and Empty-Heat?
Tongue colour. Yin deficiency has no coating with a normal colour, Empty-Heat has no coating with a red colour
Name 5 symptoms of Empty-Heat
feeling of Heat in the afternoon/evening, a dry mouth with a desire to drink in small sips, a dry throat at night, night sweating, five palm heat, dry stools, scanty, dark urine, Floating-Empty Rapid pulse, red tongue with no coating
How can Empty-Heat be diagnosed from a psychological point of view?
mental restlessness, vague anxiety, something is wrong but cant describe it, fidgeting
How can Full-Heat be diagnosed from a psychological point of view?
severe mental restlessness, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, agitated sleep
What can cause Empty-Heat?
Overwork, excessive sexual activity, irregular eating, persistent, heavy blood loss
Name 5 symptoms of a Full-Cold condition?
Feeling cold, cold limbs, profuse and clear urination, desire to drink warm fluids, pale face, abdominal pain aggravated on pressure, no thirst, loose stools, Deep-Full-Tight pulse, Pale tongue with thick white tongue coating
Full Cold arises from..
Excess of Yin
Interior Full-Cold can be caused by..
Excessive consumption of cold energy foods (salads, fruit, iced drinks) or by external cold
Empty-Cold arises due to a..
Deficiency of Yang
Name 5 symptoms of Empty-Cold
feeling cold, cold limbs, dull pale face, no thirst, listlessness, sweating, loose stools, clear abundant urination, Deep-Slow or Weak pulse, Pale tongue with a thin white coating
What two patterns does Empty-Cold usually related to?
Kidney-Yang, Spleen-Yang
What can cause Empty Cold?
Anything Yang defieiciency related; Excess physical work, diet, lack of hot foods, excessive sexual activity, internal cold injuring Yang
Name the five Hot-Cold combinations
Cold on the Exterior and Heat in the Interior, Heat on the Exterior and Cold in the Interior, Heat above and Cold below, Combination of Heat and Cold patterns, False-Heat- True Cold and False Cold-True Heat
What defines an Empty conditon?
A weakness of the body's Qi and the absence of a pathogenic factor
What is a Full-Empty condition?
An emptiness of the Upright Qi with the presence of a lingering pathogenic factor that the Upright Qi is not fighting effectively
Name 5 general clinical manifestations of a Full condition
acute disease, restlessness, irritability, a strong voice, course breathing, pin aggravated by pressure, high pitch tinnitus, scanty urination, constipation, Full-pulse
Interior Cold, Heat, Dampness, Wind, Fire, Phlegm, stagnation of Qi, stasis of Blood are all what?
Full conditions
What are the four types of Empty conditions?
Empty Qi, Empty Blood, Empty Yin, Empty Yang
Name 5 common symptoms of an Empty condition
Tiredness, desire to lie down, weak voice, loose stools, pale tongue and weak pulse
What does a collapse of Yin/Yang indicate?
Extremely severe and sudden state of Emptiness, complete separation of Yin and Yang and most likely ensuing death