Sit squarely, Open posture, Lean towards the other, Eye contact, Relax. Egan, 1978
Symptoms, Allergies, Medications and Immunisations, Past medical/ Family history, Last oral intake, Events leading up to illness. Dickinson, 2008.
Home, Education, Activities/ Alcohol, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide, Safety. Bernham, 1972, later developed by Eric Cohen.
Ideas, Concerns, Expectations. Tate, 2005.
Sit at an angle, Uncross arms and legs, Relax, Eye contact, Touch, Your intuition. Stickley, 2011.
Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Associated Manifestations, Relieving/ Aggravating factors, Treatments/ Therapies. Seidel et al, 2003.
Granger, 2013
The Spence Childrens Anxiety Scale, 1998.
Casey's Partnership Model of Nursing, 1988.
NMC Code, 2008.
Russel et al, 2023. Dualism- the health status of the mind can affect that of the body. (Descartes)
80% of diagnoses are created from history, Summerton, 2008.
Roper et al, 1980