A medical procedure that induces the body, usually by cutting or punturing the skin or inserting instruments to the body.
The word cautery comes from the term caustic and means the application of a caustic Chemical or destructive heat.
when suture material is used for tying
off the ends of tubular structures during surgery, it is termed ligature. Length of suture thread without a needle, used for tying off vessels during surgery.
invasion of pathogens into living tissue
Occurs when something is made unclean; often used to describe a sterile area being made unsterile or exposig a clean area to a pathogenic substance.
the normal nonspecific
immune response by the body
to any type of injury (trauma
bacterial, viral, and temperature extremes)
wound irrigation, removes the accumulation of purulent exudate that delays healing.
having openings. A sterile, fenestrated drape is used, in surgery. It has an opening in it to expose only the operative site. The remainder of the drape covers the pattent and is a sterite area
conversion of a pathological cardiac rhythm (arrythmia), such as ventricular Fibrellation, to normal sinus rhythm.
The body's natural pacemaker, the sinoctrial (SA) node, is located in the upper a part of the right citrum. The
SA node is a bundle of specialized cardiac muscle cells that are self-excitatory of Pacemaner cells. (60,10 100)
from the atria, the electrical impulses travel along the conduction system toward the ventricles, to the atrioventricular (AV) node, located at the base of the right atrium. The AV node responds to signals.
from the sA node. However,
is there is suppression of the sA node, the AU node can fire intrimsically at a rate of 40 tu 60 times per minute.
period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next succeding beat, including systole and diastole. one complete heart beat.
process of reducing to a nompolorized Condition. Generation of an electrical current is enhanced. Electrical activity generated when the aria or ventricles contract.
Cardiac cells are in a resting negatively charged state. Once the electrical conduction system completes the normal circuit to elicit a heartbeat, the heart recovers electrically (repolarization), then relaxes: briefly (polarization)
a term used to describe the hearts rhythm when it is within the normal change.
a rate greater than 100 beats/minute is known as fast
A-fab-Artria can contract up to 500 beat/min but heart rate is usually < 120 bects / min. (Irregular)
Sumptoms: Palpitations, Weackness, fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, confusion, shortness of breath
risk factors: Cardiqc disease, congenital heat disease, mitral valve damage, hypertension; coronary artery disese, mitral value prolapse
-Atria contract 250 to 300 beats/mm but the heart rate is a maximum of approximately 150 beats/min. (Regular) P-waves have a picket fence pattern.QRS complex occur at a set ration to P-waves.
A Cardiac Cycle that occurs before the next cycle is due P waves are present and vary in shape and are irregularly spaced QRS complex is Present and arregularly spaced.
A Cardiac Cycle that occurs before the next cycle is due P waves are present and vary in shape and are irregularly spaced QRS complex is Present and arregularly spaced.